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UserPic de Wet-Roos, Deon
2025/02/19 08:21 AM

Safripol a polymer producer from South Africa has been created.

#safripol #southafrica  #polypropylene  #hdpe  #polyester  #pet  #hostalen  #spheripol  #invista 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2025/02/15 05:52 PM

Dakar, Senegal - February 10, 2025

The Société Africaine de Raffinage (SAR), Senegal's leading oil refinery, has successfully received and begun processing its first shipment of crude oil from the Sangomar field. This milestone marks a significant step towards Senegal's energy independence, as the facility will now refine locally produced crude oil into essential petroleum products including gasoline, diesel, kerosene, and low sulfur fuel oil (LSFO).

The operation commenced under the supervision of SAR's Loading Master, with the safe unloading of the inaugural vessel carrying Sangomar crude. This development comes after recent renovations that increased the refinery's capacity to 1.5 million tons per annum, enabling it to meet 70-75% of Senegal's domestic market needs.

The facility, which has been operational since 1961, is jointly owned by several stakeholders, including Petrosen (46%), Locafrique (34%), Sahara Energy Resources (8.18%), TotalEnergies (6.82%), and ITOC (5%). SAR has announced plans for further expansion, targeting a capacity of 2.5 million tons per annum by 2028, which would fully satisfy Senegal's domestic demand of 1.6 million tons while supporting regional market growth.

#societeafricainederaffinage  #totalenergies  #petrosen  #senegal  #dakkar  #crudeoil  #refining  #sangomar 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2025/02/15 10:20 AM

Cangrejera gas cracker has an ethylene production capacity of 500,000 tpa

Mexico City, Mexico - February 12, 2025 - Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), Mexico's state-owned oil and gas company, has announced a significant investment of $975 million to bolster the country's petrochemical industry. This investment is part of the Mexican government's broader plan to revitalize the sector and reduce reliance on imports.

The funds will be used to reactivate the Cangrejera complex, transforming it into a petrochemical refinery. This move aims to increase domestic production of essential petrochemical products, thereby meeting the growing demand within Mexico and potentially reducing reliance on imports.

Pemex CEO Víctor Rodríguez emphasized the importance of this investment, stating, "This initiative aligns with our commitment to strengthen Mexico's energy independence and foster economic growth." He further highlighted the collaboration between Pemex and other government agencies, including the Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Citizen Security, to combat fuel theft and ensure efficient logistics.

The Mexican government's 2024-2030 Hydrocarbon Sector Work Plan outlines several strategic actions for Pemex, including:

▪️Efficient exploration and sustainable production
    of hydrocarbons
▪️Strengthening the refining system
▪️Expanding petrochemical and fertilizer output
▪️Securing efficient logistics
▪️Promoting clean energy generation

#pemex  #petroleosmexicanos   #pemextransformacionindutrial   #veracruz   #mexico   #coatzacoalcos   #cangrejera 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2025/02/15 10:09 AM

Pemex' Cangrejera Petrochemical Complex has been added.


#pemex #petroleosmexicanos  #pemextransformacionindutrial  #veracrus  #mexico  #coatzacoalcos  #cangrejera 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2025/02/15 08:45 AM

Pemex Transformación Industrial, a fully owned subsidiary of Petroleos Mexicanos, has been created.

#pemex  #petroleosmexicanos  #pemextransformacionindustrial  #refining  #petrochemicals 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2025/02/09 05:37 PM

Please check our descriptions for the various types of polyethylene highlighting the relationship between molecular architecture and density scale. 

Illustration is used for the main product 'Polyethylene' and the various subproducts (LDPE, HDPE, MDPE, LDPE, etc.).

#ldpe  #mdpe  #lldpe  #vldpe  #uldpe  #polyethylene  #pe 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2025/02/07 06:43 PM

DOW petrochemical size in Terneuzen has been added.


#dow #terneuzen  #netherlands  #benelux  #europe  #petrochemicals 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2025/02/03 10:47 AM

ATB Terminal in Malaysia.

In a recent report, Vitol, the world's largest independent oil trader, has projected that global oil demand will remain at current levels until at least 2040. This forecast challenges earlier predictions of a peak in oil demand followed by a sharp decline due to the rise of electric vehicles and renewable energy sources.

Vitol's analysis suggests that while demand for oil in developed nations may decrease, this will be offset by rising demand in developing economies. The company cites population growth, economic expansion, and urbanization as key factors driving this continued demand.

The report also highlights the role of the petrochemicals industry, which is expected to see increased oil demand for the production of plastics and other materials. This growth, coupled with demand from developing nations, is anticipated to keep global oil consumption steady.

While acknowledging the global push for cleaner energy, Vitol's forecast indicates that oil will continue to play a significant role in the global energy mix for the foreseeable future. The company's analysis underscores the complex challenges of balancing economic development with the transition to a more sustainable energy future.

China: Vitol's global head of research, Giovanni Serio, has highlighted that China will continue to play a critical role in global oil demand, particularly in the petrochemical sector. Despite the rise of electric vehicles and the energy transition, China's focus on petrochemicals is expected to drive oil demand.

Long-Term Forecast: Vitol has pushed back its peak oil demand forecast globally to the 2030s, citing a slower uptake of electric vehicles and lower commitments to environmental targets. The company also anticipates that jet fuel and petrochemical feedstocks will drive global oil demand growth in the next five years.

These insights reflect Vitol's evolving views on the future of oil demand, emphasizing the role of emerging markets and the ongoing energy transition.

#vitol  #energy  #energytrannsition  #oildemand  #crudeoil  #petrochemicals 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2025/02/02 12:23 PM

OQ Refineries and Petroleum Industries Company (OQ RPI) has been added as a 100% shareholding wholly owned subsidiary of OQ.

#oq  #oqrpi  #refining  #petrochemicals  #oman 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2025/02/01 03:57 PM

The description of the Pertamina RU VII Kasim Refinery has been updated.


#kasim #refinery  #pertamina  #indonesia 




UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2025/02/01 02:32 PM

The description of the Pertamina RU VI Balongan Refinery has been updated.


#balongan #refinery  #pertamina  #indonesia 




UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2025/02/01 02:25 PM

The description of the Pertamina RU III Plaju Refinery has been updated.


#plaju #refinery  #pertamina  #indonesia 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2025/02/01 01:58 PM

Pertamina RU II Dumai Refinery description updated.

The description of the Pertamina RU II Dumai Refinery has been updated.


#cilacap #refinery  #pertamina  #indonesia 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2025/02/01 01:52 PM

The description of the Pertamina RU IV Cilapac Refinery has been updated.


#cilacap #refinery  #pertamina  #indonesia 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2025/02/01 11:19 AM

Pertamina refineries and refining capacities updated.

#pertamina  #refining  #capacity  #indonesia 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2025/02/01 10:56 AM

PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan (PTPKB) has been added.

PT KPB was established to carry out the development of the Balikpapan & Lawe-Lawe Refinery Development Master Plan (RDMP) project and run the refinery processing business of Refinery Unit (RU) V Balikpapan, East Kalimantan.


#pertamina #refinery  #balikpapan  #indonesia 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2025/02/01 09:53 AM

Starting 2025 with a Pre-Bid Meeting for GRR Tuban Procurement

Jakarta, January 16, 2025 – As a grass-root project built from the ground up, PT Pertamina Rosneft Pengolahan dan Petrokimia (PRPP) recognizes the complexity of preparing for the construction of the integrated fuel refinery with a petrochemical industry, Grass Root Refinery (GRR) Tuban.

Dduring a pre-bid meeting for site development work held in Jakarta on 14 Jan 2025), Reizaldi Gustino, President Director of PRPP, highlighted that the quality of site development work will significantly impact the execution of the engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) stages of the GRR Tuban Project.

Echoing Reizaldi’s statements, Irwan Priyasa, PRPP Commissioner, representing the company’s Board of Commissioners, emphasized that the success of the site development work would impact the overall project timeline.

The pre-bid meeting for the site development work procurement is part of the procurement process, aimed at providing clarification to all bidders regarding documents, procedures, and requirements for the tender.

The scope of this work includes the preparation and conditioning of the GRR Tuban area before the construction of refinery facilities. Specific tasks include land elevation adjustments and the development of basic infrastructure across approximately 841 hectares.

The event was attended by all PRPP Board of Directors, representatives of PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional shareholders, including Albin Ginting, Vice President of Project Management, as well as representatives from 13 pre-qualified bidders, both domestic and international, eligible to participate in this procurement tender.

In addition to the site development work procurement, a pre-bid meeting was also held in 2024 for EPC work packages of the GRR Tuban Project, during which 25 pre-qualified bidders were registered for a total of seven EPC work packages.

Source: PT PRPP News Highlight.

#pertamina  #indonesia  #jakarta  #java  #rosneft  #prpp  #refinery 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2025/02/01 07:43 AM

PT Pertamina Pedeve Indonesia has been added.


#indonesia #pertamina  #pedeve  #equityinvestor  #investmentportfolio 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2025/02/01 07:21 AM

PT Pertamina Rosneft has been added.

#pertamina  #rosneft  #jointventure  #refinery  #indonesia 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2025/01/28 01:33 PM

CNOOC Petrochemical Investment Co., Ltd. has been added.

#cnooc  #petrochemical  #investment  #cnoocshell 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2025/01/04 09:51 AM

Petroleum pitch definition has been updated.


#petroleum #pitch  #tar  #asphalt 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/12/24 05:12 PM

Amylene has been added. 

#amylene #pentene  #olefin 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/12/22 02:28 PM

China's largest petrochemical industrial base has been fully completed.

On December 19, the second phase of the capacity expansion and high-end new materials project of SINOPEC's Zhenhai Refining and Chemical (ZRCC), a key project of Zhejiang Province's "14th Five-Year Plan", was fully mechanically completed, setting a number of records in the construction of domestic projects of the same size, including the most extensive application of independent innovation, the highest degree of intelligence, and the best energy saving and consumption reduction. So far, the refining capacity of Zhenhai Refining and Chemical has been increased to 40 million tons, making the total refining capacity of the Zhejiang Ningbo Petrochemical Base where it is located exceed 50 million tons, making it the largest, most technologically advanced, and most competitive world-class petrochemical industrial base in the country.

The Ningbo Petrochemical Industrial Base in Zhejiang is located in the Yangtze River Delta region and is a consumption center for downstream petrochemical products. The total investment in the Phase II capacity expansion and high-end new materials project of Zhenhai Refining and Chemical is 41.6 billion yuan, covering 18 units such as atmospheric distillation, catalytic cracking, polypropylene, and propane dehydrogenation. The new production capacity is fully focused on chemical processes, which will give rise to a number of high-value-added characteristic industrial chains such as "refining-propane dehydrogenation-propylene-acrylonitrile-ABS/methionine, refining-liquefied gas-isononanol-environmentally friendly plasticizers", focusing on the development of high-end polyolefins, high-end new materials, high-end chemicals and other products, which can provide nearly 8 million tons of related products to the downstream each year, providing strong support for the integrity and competitiveness of the industrial chain of advantageous industries such as automobiles, home appliances, and textiles in the Yangtze River Delta region, and driving the trillion-level output value of the upstream and downstream industrial chains.

The project has set multiple records and established industry benchmarks. It successfully achieved domestic production of 10 core equipment pieces, including the world's largest vertical labyrinth compressor. The project extensively implemented smart technologies, achieving simultaneous delivery of digital and physical factories, and deployed a fully independent domestic industrial operating system. It utilized the independently developed "Petrochemical Smart Cloud" industrial internet ecosystem platform to effectively support operational decisions and management. Additionally, the project was the first to comprehensively implement energy-saving measures, reducing overall energy consumption by approximately 11.7%. During the construction period, the project accumulated over 90 million continuous safe work hours, with a 100% quality pass rate for unit projects, setting a new industry standard.

Source: Xinhuanet

#china #sinopec #zhenhai #ningbo #zrcc #zheijiang #pdh #adu #fcc #acrylonitrile #abs #lng #refining #petrochemicals

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/12/22 11:38 AM

Data source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Short-Term Energy Outlook, December 2024.

India has emerged as the leading source of growth in global oil consumption in 2024 and 2025, overtaking China this year, EIA reports.

China’s oil consumption grew by more than India’s in almost every year from 1998 through 2023, with China’s oil consumption regularly growing more than any other country during those years.

Over 2024 and 2025, India accounts for 25% of total oil consumption growth globally. EIA expects an increase of 0.9 million barrels per day (b/d) in global consumption of liquid fuels in 2024 and even more growth in 2025, with global oil consumption increasing by 1.3 million b/d.

Driven by rising demand for transportation fuels and fuels for home cooking, consumption of liquid fuels in India is forecast to increase by 220,000 b/d in 2024 and by 330,000 b/d in 2025. That growth is the most of any country in each of the years.

China’s liquid fuels consumption is expected to grow by 90,000 b/d in 2024 before increasing by 250,000 b/d in 2025. In China, rapidly expanding electric vehicle ownership, rising use of liquefied natural gas for trucking goods, a declining population, and decelerating economic growth have limited consumption growth for transportation fuels. Most of the growth in China is the result of increasing oil use for manufacturing petrochemicals.

Although India’s growth in percentage and volume terms exceeds China’s growth in the forecast, China still consumes significantly more oil. Total consumption of liquid fuels in India was 5.3 million b/d in 2023, while China consumed more than triple that amount at 16.4 million b/d in 2023, based on December estimates.

Read our oil demand forecast to 2050.

#fuels  #petrochemicals  #electricvehicles  #crudeoil  #naturalgas  #lng  #liquidfuels  #china  #india 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/12/16 04:03 PM

Aug 28, 2024 | Offshore Technology

The venture, estimated to cost more than $10bn (Rs839.48bn), is in discussion with ONGC and its subsidiary HPCL.

The Chatterjee Group (TCG), a US-based private equity firm, is seeking a partnership with Indian state-run companies for an oil-to-chemicals project in Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu, reported Bloomberg, citing sources. TCG is in discussion with Oil & National Gas Corporation (ONGC) and its subsidiary Hindustan Petroleum Corporation (HPCL). The proposal suggests the state companies collectively hold a 49% stake in the project – estimated to cost more than $10bn – while TCG, which operates in India through Haldia Petrochemicals, would retain the remaining 51% share. TCG’s project aims to produce 3.5mtpa of ethylene and propylene.

As per Reuters’ April report, Haldia Petrochemicals CEO Navanit Narayan stated that the project is expected to be operational by 2029. The project’s financial closure is anticipated by the end of 2024. Haldia Petrochemicals currently operates a petrochemical plant in eastern India and is developing the nation’s largest integrated phenol project in West Bengal’s Haldia.

The potential investment reflects India’s focus on expanding petrochemical capacities, providing essential materials for a range of products from consumer goods to automotive components. As per government estimates, the demand for chemicals and petrochemicals in India is projected to triple to $1trn by 2040. Oil refiners, including Reliance Industries led by Mukesh Ambani, are shifting their production focus towards petrochemicals over traditional fuels to cater to the increasing demand for specialty plastics and chemicals used in solar panels and electric vehicles.

As per Reuters’ April report, Haldia Petrochemicals CEO Navanit Narayan stated that the project is expected to be operational by 2029. The project’s financial closure is anticipated by the end of 2024. In other development, ONGC has recently been granted government approval for an additional investment of $2.19bn into its petrochemical unit ONGC Petro Additions.

#haldia  #chatterjeegroup  #india  #cotc  #oiltochemical  #hplc  #ongc  #reliance  #ethylene  #propylene  #petrochemicals  #oilrefining  #petroadditions 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/12/16 02:56 PM

Illuminate Aggregator LP in Derlaware is a joint venture between HPL Technologies BV (Netherlands) and Rhône Group (UK), which has acquired Lummus Technologies. 

Haldia Petrochemicals Ltd. (HPL) annual report 2023 - 24 reports the following subisidiaries of Illuminate:

#haldia  #rhonegroup  #rhonecapital  #hpl  #lummus  #illuminate  #petrochemical   #technologies 


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UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/12/15 09:24 AM

IRPC integrated complex mass balance has been initialized.

#irpc #refinery  #rayong  #crudeoil  #olefins  #aromatics  #petrochemicals  #petroleum  #fuels  

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/12/15 06:18 AM

PDH plant, technology and production have been added to Shandong Tianhong Chemical refinery. 


#shandong #tianhong  #petrochemical  #refinery #pdh  #oleflex  #uop  #propylene 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/12/15 05:06 AM

Quimpac is currently the largest integrated producer of salt and chemicals in Peru and one of the five largest producers of chlorine-soda in South America.

#chloralkali  #soada  #chlorine  #peru  #quimpac 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/12/14 09:21 PM

Shandong Tianhong Chemical has been added and its mass balance initialized.


#shandong #tianhong  #petrochemical  #refinery  #crudeoil  #wandaggroup 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/12/14 08:11 PM

The ethylene plant employing Huanqiu Engineering technology has a total of 7 cracking furnaces, including two gas furnaces and five liquid furnaces | weixin | 27 Oct 2024

Dushanzi Petrochemical Tarim Phase II Ethylene Project is accelerating

Petrochemical Industry Going Global Alliance | November 9, 2024

At present, Dushanzi Petrochemical is accelerating the construction of the Tarim 1.2 million tons/year Phase II ethylene project, which will quickly release 1.2 million tons of polyethylene, 450,000 tons of polypropylene, and 100,000 tons of rubber production capacity. At the same time, it can provide 400,000 tons of raw materials per year to drive the development of the downstream industrial chain.

The Tarim 1.2 million tons/year Phase II ethylene project adheres to the innovative and green construction concept and has built 11 major production units, 10 of which use domestic technology (9 use China Petroleum’s own technology); it maximizes the use of domestic technology and localized equipment, with a localization rate of 99%.

At the end of October this year, the first domestically produced dual-end functionalized solution-polymerized styrene-butadiene rubber SSBR3540 F was successfully started up at the 240,000 tons/year SSBR/SBS rubber unit of PetroChina Dushanzi Petrochemical, filling the domestic gap. Currently, the production capacity of solution-polymerized styrene-butadiene rubber of Dushanzi Petrochemical has reached 160,000 tons/year.

#cnpc  #petrochina  #dushanzi  #tarim  #ethylene  #polyethylene  #polypropylene  #sbs  #rubber  #ssbr  #china 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/12/14 05:09 PM

The two Unipol PE plants have been added with their production, to complete the mass balance.

#unipol  #polyethylene  #univation  #fulldensity  #metallocene  #prodigy  #catalyst  #tarim  #ethylene  #dushanzi  #petrochina  #korla 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/12/14 02:53 PM

19th Sep 2024

On September 17, the first large tower hoisting ceremony of the Tarim 1.2 million tons/year Phase II Ethylene Project of Dushanzi Petrochemical Company was held at the Shangku Petrochemical Park in Korla, Xinjiang.

As the first large tower, the quench water tower is the equipment with the largest diameter in the ethylene unit. It took only more than 100 days to complete the manufacturing, setting a record for the manufacturing of large oversized equipment. The main line of this hoisting used a 4,000-ton crane, and it took only 9 days to transport and assemble.

This hoisting marked the entry of the ethylene unit into the equipment installation stage, which kicked off the on-site construction.

The installation of the quenching water tower is the first large tower crane installation of the project, which opens the prelude to the installation of 9 large tower cranes in the entire ethylene unit. It is planned to complete the installation of 9 large tower cranes on October 31, marking a new stage in the construction of the ethylene unit project.

The main function of the cracking gas quenching water tower is to reduce the temperature of the cracking gas and recover low-grade heat at the same time. The cracking gas quenching water tower achieves cooling and partial condensation of the cracking gas through direct countercurrent contact with the quenching water. This process not only helps to reduce the temperature of the cracking gas and separate part of the gasoline in the cracking gas, but also recovers part of the low-grade heat through the quenching water cycle, further improving energy utilization efficiency. This series of operations effectively reduces the temperature of the cracking gas, ensures the normal operation of the cracking gas compressor, greatly reduces the amount of sewage discharged, and improves the energy utilization efficiency of the ethylene unit and reduces energy consumption by recovering low-grade heat.

At present, the overall progress of the project has been completed by 13.6%. It is planned to complete the construction of the underground pipeline network of the entire site on September 20 and the construction of the entire road on October 30. This year's interim goal is to complete 70% of the soil-less construction before the arrival of winter, creating good conditions for installation next year.

The total investment of the Dushanzi Petrochemical Tarim 1.2 million tons/year Phase II ethylene project is 21.88 billion yuan. After completion, it can produce more than 2 million tons of high-end polyolefins and high-performance rubber materials annually, further improving the localization rate of the domestic high-end petrochemical product industry chain supply chain. The basic machinery of the project is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2025, and fully completed and put into production in 2026.


#ethylene #dushanzi #korla #xinjang #china #petrochina #cnpc #ethyleneplant #steamcracker




UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/12/14 02:19 PM

Photo: On August 23,
the 45,000 standard cubic meters/hour air separation unit of Jilin Petrochemical was started up

Jilin Petrochemical Refining and Chemical Transformation and Upgrading Project is accelerating

Petrochemical Industry Going Global Alliance | November 9, 2024

At present, the CNPC's Jilin Petrochemical Refining and Chemical Transformation and Upgrading Project with a total investment of 33.9 billion yuan is accelerating. It is expected that 18 main units and 142 small overall projects of the transformation and upgrading project will be delivered before November 30. Before the end of the year, all 21 units will be delivered, and the project will be fully put into production in 2025.

After it is put into production, it can achieve an increase of 2.8 million tons of chemical products per year. After the project is put into production, while maintaining the crude oil processing capacity unchanged, it can achieve a reduction of 2.63 million tons/year in oil product output and an increase of about 2.77 million tons/year in chemical products. The effect of "reducing oil and increasing chemicals" is significant; especially after the ABS production capacity reaches 1.8 million tons/year, it will rank first in China and third in the world, highlighting the advantages of the industrial chain; new high-value-added chemical products and new materials such as EVA, bisphenol A, and butadiene rubber will be added.
#jilin  #petrochemical   #china   #ethylene   #refining   #chemical 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/12/14 01:45 PM

Hengyi Petrochemical Company has been added.


#hengyi #petrochemical  #china  #zheijiang  #hangzhou  #pta  #pet  #polyester  #paraxylene  #meg  #ethyleneglycol  #cpl  #pa6  


UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/12/13 02:32 PM

Picture: Chevron refining operations

Chevron newsroom, PASADENA, Texas (Dec. 10, 2024)

Chevron U.S.A., Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Chevron Corporation, has completed a retrofit of its refinery in Pasadena, Texas. The upgrade aims to increase product flexibility and expand the processing capacity of lighter crudes by nearly 15% to 125,000 barrels per day.

Key Benefits

▪️Increased Capacity: The refinery’s processing capacity for lighter crudes has increased by 15%, allowing it to handle more equity crude from the Permian Basin.
▪️Enhanced Gulf Coast Supply: The upgrade enables Chevron to supply more refined products to customers in the U.S. Gulf Coast region.
▪️Synergies with Pascagoula Refinery: The retrofit enhances synergies with Chevron’s Pascagoula refinery, improving overall refining system efficiency.
▪️Light Tight Oil (LTO) Project: The upgrade is part of Chevron’s LTO Project, which focuses on improving facility reliability and safety, boosting domestic refined product supply, and introducing jet fuel production and gas oil exports.

Strategic Intent

Chevron acquired the Pasadena Refinery in 2019 as part of its strategy to expand its Gulf Coast refining system. This upgrade supports the company’s goal of increasing its refining capacity and improving its ability to meet growing demand for refined products in the region.


The upgrade was completed in December 2024, with the refinery now fully operational with its enhanced capabilities.

#chevron  #refinery  #capacityincrease  #crudeoil  #lightcrude  #permian  #pasadena 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/12/09 09:17 PM

2024-04-19 20:00 Source: Chemical Oil News

On the morning of November 28, 2023, the construction of the 120,000 tons/year solution butadiene styrene rubber (SSBR) unit and the 80,000 tons/year styrene-butadiene-styrene thermoplastic elastomer (SBS) unit of the Guangxi Petrochemical Refining and Chemical Integration Transformation and Upgrading Project started.

Among them, the 120,000 tons/year solution-polymerized styrene-butadiene rubber (SSBR) unit adopts a complete set of technologies jointly developed by China Petroleum and Chemical Research Institute and Lanzhou Huanqiu Engineering Co., Ltd. The unit has two production lines, a 60,000 tons/year continuous polymerization SSBR production line and a 60,000 tons/year intermittent polymerization SSBR production line, which can produce the largest general-purpose grades and fourth-generation functionalized grades in the domestic market. The grades of the intermittent production line are mainly third/fourth-generation functionalized grades, and the grades can be customized and developed according to the needs of the downstream market. The unit is EPC-contracted by a consortium consisting of Lanzhou Huanqiu and CNPC Seventh Construction, and is scheduled to be delivered in June 2025.

80,000 tons/year styrene-butadiene-styrene thermoplastic elastomer (SBS) plantThe process technology jointly developed by Xinjiang Huanqiu Company and Dushanzi Petrochemical is adopted. The key technology of this process lies in its SBS intermittent polymerization technology, which has great production flexibility and can produce a variety of grades of products. According to the final use and product range, SBS products with different components and structures can be produced to meet the needs of downstream asphalt modification, polymer modification, shoemaking, adhesives, etc. The consortium composed of Xinjiang Huanqiu and CNPC First Construction will undertake the EPC general contracting, and the project is scheduled to be handed over in June 2025.

















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UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/12/09 09:02 PM

▪️ Guangxi Petrochemical's 1.2 million tons/year ethylene cracking unit cracking furnace hoisting operation.

▪️ Builders carry out pipeline welding operations at the 50,000 tons/year hexene-1 unit.
▪️ Builders carried out modular pipeline gallery hoisting operations at the 270,000/600,000 ton/year propylene oxide co-production styrene unit.

Guangxi Petrochemical Refining and Chemical Integration Transformation and Upgrading Project Construction Progress Exceeds Halfway

China Petroleum News | 2024-11-27 16:04 | Beijing

On November 22, the 80-meter-high, 3,200-ton 1.2 million tons/year ethylene cracking unit cracking gas furnace module was in place.

On November 21, the last spherical tank in the chemical pressure tank area was successfully capped. On November 20, all towers of the 50,000 tons/year hexene-1 unit were hoisted.

On November 14, the installation of four modules of the cracked gasoline hydrogenation unit was completed...

Entering November, the Guangxi Petrochemical Refining and Chemical Integration Transformation and Upgrading Project has been successful, and many installation tasks have been completed according to the nodes. At present, the overall progress of the project has been completed by 62.81%, and the construction progress has exceeded half.

In order to improve the project construction progress and ensure the quality and inherent safety of the project, the Guangxi Petrochemical Refining and Chemical Integration Transformation and Upgrading Project strictly implemented the group company's "six-in-one" construction concept at the beginning of the design, and made the construction safer, more efficient and reliable through factory prefabrication and modular construction. In order to further promote factory prefabrication and modular construction, Guangxi Petrochemical has built "second construction sites" of varying sizes near the project construction site in accordance with local conditions - prefabrication yards, of which there are 8 pipeline prefabrication yards alone. The factory prefabrication rate of the steel structure of this project exceeds 95%, and with the concept of deepening factory prefabrication and modular construction, the operating efficiency has been greatly improved, the workload and safety risks on the construction site have been greatly reduced, and civilized construction on site has been further promoted.

#cnpc  #petrochina  #guangxi  #petrochemical  #ethylene  #steamcracker  #hexene  #gasoline  #hydrogenation  #china 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/12/09 08:17 PM

Release time: 2023-09-15 15:21:50 Source: Saudi Arabia News (Reprinted by Business Department 3)

Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) and China Petrochemical Corporation (Sinopec) announced the commercial operation of a new polycarbonate (PC) plant built by the SSTPC joint venture. SSTPC is jointly funded by both parties in a 50:50 ratio. 

Founded in 2009, Sinopec (Tianjin) Petrochemical is a large petrochemical company with nine world-class chemical, polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) production plants. The new polycarbonate plant is designed to produce 260,000 tons per year and is an important part of Saudi Basic Industries Corporation's polycarbonate growth strategy in China, which will promote cooperation with international and local customers.

#sabic  #aramco  #saudiarabia  #china  #sinopec  #tianjin  #petrochemical  #binhai  #polycarbonate  #sstpc 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/12/08 06:42 PM

Petrochemical Industry Going Global Alliance | November 9, 2024 10:50, via WeChat.

On July 6, 2023, with the 400,000 tons/year ethylbenzene-styrene unit producing qualified products, all units of the Anqing Petrochemical Refinery Conversion Plant Structural Adjustment Project were successfully started up safely and environmentally friendly at one time.

The project is led by a 3 million tons/year heavy oil catalytic cracking unit. By increasing the production of light olefins and aromatic raw materials to produce high-value-added chemical products, it effectively enhances the adaptability and flexibility of the company's production structure to changes in demand, and explores a development path for domestic refining companies to cope with overcapacity and achieve transformation and upgrading.

Among them, the 3 million tons/year heavy oil catalytic cracking unit is the world's first RTC process heavy oil catalytic cracking unit, and the 400,000 tons/year ethylbenzene-styrene unit is currently the largest dry gas-based ethylbenzene unit in China.

The heavy oil catalytic cracking unit of Anqing Petrochemical has been started-up

Seetao 2023-06-25 15:12

The heavy oil catalytic cracking unit of Anqing Petrochemical has a total of three main fan units, namely two main units K101A/B and one backup fan unit K102. After the backup fan is successfully started and the two units have completed the relevant air tightness and other related processes, the K102 unit will be shut down, and the two main fan units K101A/B will enter the ignition furnace heating stage. It is expected that the overall start-up process will continue for more than 10 days.

Anqing will stop operating its 1.4mn t/yr fluid catalytic cracker (FCC) and 700,000 t/yr deep catalytic cracking unit, which are located near a residential area, for environmental reasons. The project will involve adding a new 3mn t/yr DCC that will enable the refinery to process crude with a higher sulphur content of 1.5pc.

Anqing currently produces 30,000 t/yr of polypropylene, 100,000 t/yr of ethylbenzene and styrene and 210,000 t/yr of acrylonitrile, among other products. It will scale up output of these products through the upgrading project.

Sinopec's Anqing refinery shifts towards petrochemicals

PETROTHALIL Analytical Petrochemical News Agency | 2020/06/23 09:38:57

Work on the 11bn yuan ($1.5bn) project at Anqing in the central province of Anhui started in early May. A Yn6.6bn first phase aims to produce around 2mn t/yr of olefins and aromatics, including 150,000 t/yr of ethylene, 640,000 t/yr of propylene and 610,000 t/yr of aromatics products. Trial production is scheduled for late 2022. A second, Yn4.4bn phase will add another 650,000 t/yr of unspecified chemical output.

Refined product output will be cut by a third after the project is complete, with the gasoline yield rising at the expense of diesel. Anqing is also expanding its pipeline connections to replace fuel transportation by river. Sinopec opened an 88,000 b/d oil products pipeline linking Anqing to the cities of Hefei, Huainan, Bengbu and Fuyang in late 2016.

Anqing will stop operating its 1.4mn t/yr fluid catalytic cracker (FCC) and 700,000 t/yr deep catalytic cracking unit, which are located near a residential area, for environmental reasons. The project will involve adding a new 3mn t/yr DCC that will enable the refinery to process crude with a higher sulphur content of 1.5pc.

Anqing currently produces 30,000 t/yr of polypropylene, 100,000 t/yr of ethylbenzene and styrene and 210,000 t/yr of acrylonitrile, among other products. It will scale up output of these products through the upgrading project.

#dcc  #fcc  #styrene  #ethylbenzene  #alkylation  #dehydrogenation  #aromatics  #olefins  #btx  #resid  #cracking  #anqing  #petrochemical  #sinopec  #refinery  #china

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/12/07 02:59 PM

Sinopec Research Institute of Petroleum Processing Co., Ltd. (RIPP) has been added.


#sinopec #researchinstitute  #ripp  #petroleumprocessing 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/12/07 06:47 AM

Sinopec established Shanghai Jinshan Petrochemical Carbon Fiber Co., Ltd.

Wuhan Yuxiang Technology, 2024-10-03

In June 2021, Sinopec's Shanghai Petrochemical registered Shanghai Jinshan Petrochemical Carbon Fiber Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sinopec. The new company focuses on breakthroughs and industrialization of carbon fiber technology. It not only participates in the research and development and production of new carbon fiber materials and downstream composite materials, but also involves the operation and after-sales service of the carbon fiber product market.

"The King of New Materials"! China's first large-tow carbon fiber production line was delivered!

Government Affairs: Sinopec 2022-08-16

Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical has achieved a significant milestone with the completion of China's first large-tow carbon fiber production line. This makes them the first company in China and the fourth globally to master large-tow carbon fiber production technology.

Large-tow carbon fiber contains more than 48,000 filaments per bundle (48K), compared to the current domestic standard of 1,000-12,000 filaments. This new material contains over 95% carbon content and possesses remarkable properties - it's one-fourth the weight of steel but 7-9 times stronger, with excellent corrosion resistance.

The project represents several key achievements:
▪️ All equipment is domestically produced in its first phase.
▪️ Sinopec holds 274 patents in carbon fiber technology, with 165 granted, ranking first domestically and third globally.
▪️ The technology will significantly increase production capacity and reduce costs of carbon fiber manufacturing.

This achievement will help reduce China's dependence on imported large-tow carbon fiber and promote high-quality development of domestic carbon fiber industry.

Sinopec Produces China's First Batch of Large Tow Carbon Fiber

SHANGHAI, Oct. 14, 2022 – China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (HKG: 0386, "Sinopec") has successfully produced China's first batch of large tow carbon fiber at the company's production base in Shanghai, making the company the first in the country and fourth in the world to possess large tow carbon fiber technology. 

Sinopec's production line has adopted its self-developed PAN (polyacrylonitrile) base large tow precursor and carbon fiber technologies. The project is being implemented in two phases and expects to be in full production in 2024, projecting an annual production capacity of 24,000 tons of protofilament and 12,000 tons of large tow carbon fiber.

Large tow carbon fiber refers to roving that contains 48,000 filaments or more. The high-performance material is often referred to as the "king of new material" and "black gold." The product developed and manufactured by Sinopec Shanghai is a new type of high-strength carbon fiber with a carbon content of over 95 percent. It has outstanding excellent mechanical properties and a specific gravity that's less than one fourth of the steel, yet a strength that's seven to nine times stronger. It is also corrosion resistant.

As the material can be widely used in producing parts and components, it is expected to be used for an increasing amount of industrial infrastructure projects in China, including ones related to wind power, solar power, high-speed rail, and aviation.

"Sinopec has customized a special production line for large tow carbon fiber, including production equipment and techniques, which has enabled us to design oxidizing furnaces and carbide furnaces that revolutionizes not only the core technology of temperature field control, but also has a revolutionary energy-saving design, marking a major milestone in the development of China's carbon fiber industry," said Huang Xiangyu, carbon fiber expert and deputy general manager of Sinopec Shanghai.

Sinopec now owns 251 patents related to carbon fiber and 46 patents for carbon fiber composite materials, the largest number in China and third in the world, and through scaled up investment and industrial layout, Sinopec is committed to being a major contributor to the development of China's carbon fiber industry.

Shanghai Petrochemical inaugurates its carbon fibre composite experimental base

Oct. 24, 2024 – Shanghai Petrochemical carbon fibre composite experimental base opened. This initiative reflects the requirements and efforts of Chinese conglomerate Sinopec (parent company of Shanghai Petrochemical) to build a world-class carbon fibre industrial base.

This will effectively achieve a seamless transition from small trials to pilot trials, and then to industrialised technology development, forming a series of solutions from composite material development to application, and further giving full play to industry, academia and research. 

At present, a number of experimental production lines have been built or are under construction, including a thermoplastic panel line, a thermoplastic prepreg line, a thermoset prepreg line, a panel pultrusion line, a threaded bar pultrusion line, a fabric pultrusion line and a high-performance resin line. The resin line has pilot and mass production capabilities for composite materials with thermosetting and thermoplastic properties, and diversified preparation processes.

In the future, Shanghai Petrochemical says it will continue to improve its technical level and production capacity, actively moving towards the goal of “strengthening and optimising the new materials industry with carbon fibre as the core“.

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/12/06 09:04 PM

SIPC 1.2 million tonne ethylene project was completed and put into operation in Tianjin

On 13th November the new ethylene complex operated by SIPC, also known as the 'ethylene and downstream high-end new materials industry cluster project', was successfully put into operation and the whole process was completed, producing qualified products. Sinopec INEOS (Tianjin) Petrochemical Co., Ltd. (SIPC) is a joint venture between INEOS and SINOPEC. The project is built in the Nangang area of the Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Zone.

The steam cracker plant with a 1.2 million tonne per year of ethylene is designed to provide 4 million tons annually of high-end chemical products and fine chemical feedstocks to the downstream every year. There are 13 downstream projects including high-density polyethylene, linear low-density polyethylene, ultra high molecular weight polyethylene, polypropylene, acrylonitrile, and polyolefin elastomers (POE).

The new ethylene complex, partly powered by solar and designed as an energy and water efficient project, is integrated with Sinopec Tianjin's 320,000 barrels per day refinery, Sinopec commented. The company uses a combination of Sinopec's own technology and imported technology to produce high-end, differentiated new materials that replace imports and fill domestic gaps.

The project took only 21.5 months from the start of civil construction to mechanical completion, breaking many records for similar projects, including the best overall coordinated control plan, the least number of workers, the deepest degree of factory prefabrication, the largest proportion of modular installation, the highest rate of localization of large equipment, and the widest application of digital intelligence.

#sinopec  #ineos  #sipc  #petrochemical  #ethylene  #ethyleneplant  #steamcracker  #polyethylene  #polypropylene 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/12/06 02:14 PM

Steam cracker technology has been identified as supplied by Linde.

#ethyleneplant  #steamcracker  #linde  #dushanzi  #petrochina  #petrochemical 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/12/06 10:39 AM

Yangzi-BASF Light Hydrocarbon Comprehensive Utilization Project with 1 million tonnes steam cracker begins construction, receives environmental impact assessment.

7th Sep 2024 | Source: DT New Materials, via Sohu.com

Yangzi-BASF Light Hydrocarbon Comprehensive Utilization Project

On August 30, 2024, the Yangzi-BASF Light Hydrocarbon Comprehensive Utilization Project officially began construction. The project investment is approximately 9.142 billion yuan, with downstream new materials projects totaling about 25.652 billion yuan. The project
includes construction of three process units and supporting facilities:

° One 1 million tons/year ethylene steam cracking unit
° One 500,000 tons/year gasoline hydrogenation unit
° One 620,000 tons/year aromatics extraction unit

The project is constructed and operated by Nanjing Yangzi-BASF Olefins Co., Ltd., which was newly established on October 24, 2023. The company was formed as a 50-50 joint venture between Sinopec Yangzi Petrochemical Company Limited and BASF-YPC Company Limited.

15th Nov 2023 16:25 | Petrochemical Federation Chemical New Materials Committee | via WeChat.

With a total investment of over 10.3 billion yuan, Nanjing Yangzi-BASF Olefins Co., Ltd. will build a 1 million tons/year steam cracking ethylene plant

On November 13, 2023, the Jiangsu Environmental Protection Public Network released the second public announcement of the environmental impact assessment of the light hydrocarbon comprehensive utilization project of Nanjing Yangzi BASF Olefin Co., Ltd. and put forward suggestions and opinions on the project construction content to all sectors of society.

° Construction unit: Nanjing Yangzi-Yanba Olefins Co., Ltd.
° Project name: Light hydrocarbon comprehensive utilization project
° Construction location: The project area is located in the inspection and safety area of Yangzi Petrochemical; the product tank area is located in the Henghai area of Yangzi Petrochemical; the flare is arranged in the BASF-YPC-Yunnan land.
° Project type: Greenfield project.
° Total investment: 1,030,513 million yuan, with additional environmental protection investment of 262 million yuan;
° Land area: The total land area is 43.3 hectares (33 hectares for Jianan area and 10.3 hectares for Henghai area).
° Number of employees: The labor quota for this project is 207 people.
° Project Overview: The project includes a 1 million tons/year steam cracking ethylene production unit and 4 downstream chemical units; supporting public engineering systems include raw materials, intermediate raw materials, product tank farms, air compressor stations, circulating water fields, power supply systems, flare systems, etc.; and the transformation of existing facilities of Yangzi and BASF-YPC.

It is reported that Yangzi Petrochemical's existing "refinery structure adjustment project" will be completed and put into production before this project is put into production.

After the project is put into production, the refining sector of Yangzi Petrochemical will supply raw materials for the "ethylene cracking unit of this project" and "Yangzi Petrochemical's existing 800,000-ton ethylene cracking unit."

#basf  #ypc  #lighthydrocarbon  #petrochemical  #yangzi  #ethylene  #steamcracking  #gasoline  #aromatics 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/12/06 08:32 AM

7th Sep 2024 | Source: DT New Materials, via Sohu.com

The project is located in Gulei Petrochemical Base, Zhangzhou, Fujian Province, and mainly builds 16 million tons/year oil refining project and 1.2 million tons/year ethylene project. The project is the leading project of Gulei Petrochemical Base, one of the seven major petrochemical industrial bases in China. The first phase of the project mainly includes 9 sets of chemical equipment such as ethylene cracking with an actual processing capacity of 1 million tons/year, with a total investment of 27.8 billion yuan and an annual output of one million tons of ethylene.

The second phase of the Gulei Refining and Chemical Project is jointly constructed by Sinopec Group and Fujian Province. It is planned to build more than 30 refining and chemical units, including 16 million tons/year of oil refining, 1.5 million tons/year of ethylene, 2 million tons/year of aromatics , as well as supporting facilities such as public works and berths at the Gulei Petrochemical Base. On July 16, the second phase of the project was approved by the Fujian Provincial Development and Reform Commission.

#gulei  #sinopec  #petrochemical  #refining  #ethylene  #steamcracking  #oilrefining  #crudeoil 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/12/05 09:22 PM

The oil conversion of the two Chinese oil companies SINOPEC and PETROCHINA has accelerated.

Petrochemical Industry Going Global Alliance November 9, 2024 10:50

Nowadays, it is imperative for traditional fuel-based refineries to transform into chemical-based refineries. In recent years, Sinopec and PetroChina have accelerated their transformation from oil refining to new chemical materials.

Typical Enterprises of PetroChina in Reducing Oil and Increasing Chemicals

On October 31, PetroChina held a 2024 third quarter performance briefing in Shanghai, mentioning that in the first three quarters of 2024, the commodity volume of China's petrochemical products was 28.643 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 9.7%. The output of new materials was 1.618 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 62.6%. This data shows that PetroChina has achieved outstanding results in the field of refining and new materials industry by reducing oil and increasing chemicals. In 2023, the output of new materials of China's petrochemical industry was 1.37 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 60%, and the refining and new materials business achieved an operating profit of 36.94 billion yuan.

01 | Jilin Petrochemical

At present, the Jilin Petrochemical Refining and Chemical Transformation and Upgrading Project with a total investment of 33.9 billion yuan is accelerating. It is expected that 18 main units and 142 small overall projects of the transformation and upgrading project will be delivered before November 30. Before the end of the year, all 21 units will be delivered, and the project will be fully put into production in 2025. After it is put into production, it can achieve an increase of 2.8 million tons of chemical products per year. After the project is put into production, while maintaining the crude oil processing capacity unchanged, it can achieve a reduction of 2.63 million tons/year in oil product output and an increase of about 2.77 million tons/year in chemical products. The effect of "reducing oil and increasing chemicals" is significant; especially after the ABS production capacity reaches 1.8 million tons/year, it will rank first in China and third in the world, highlighting the advantages of the industrial chain; new high-value-added chemical products and new materials such as EVA, bisphenol A, and butadiene rubber will be added.

Jilin Petrochemical has developed a high-end ABS product with high impact resistance, which is the only ABS product in China that meets the technical requirements of national and American standards for Class A helmets. This product not only meets the rigidity and toughness requirements, but also has good low temperature resistance. In an environment of -30℃, it has the same impact resistance as ordinary helmets at room temperature.

02 | Daqing Petrochemical

In November 2020, Daqing Petrochemical's refining structure adjustment, transformation and upgrading project, including 1.2 million tons/year continuous reforming unit, 2 million tons/year catalytic cracking unit and 12 other main units and 29 supporting public works and auxiliary facilities, were fully completed and put into operation. At present, Daqing Petrochemical's ethylene unit de-bottleneck and downstream supporting projects have been completed and handed over, with a total ethylene production capacity of 1.38 million tons/year, and the ethylene energy consumption of the E3 unit has dropped to less than 587.5 kg of standard oil/ton, reaching the industry's energy efficiency benchmark level.

Daqing Petrochemical has strengthened cooperation with scientific research institutes and implemented major CCUS scientific and technological projects. The on-site application of the independent technology of new coke-suppressing furnace tubes has achieved good results, and promoted the high-quality development of enterprises through technological progress. Carry out research on the localization of catalysts, and 4 imported catalysts have been replaced by domestic products for the first time. In terms of new materials, Daqing Petrochemical actively implements the new material acceleration project and strives to create a "product giant". In 2023, Daqing Petrochemical will develop 7 new products such as lithium battery diaphragm materials and Zhongmenni chlorinated polyethylene type B materials, and increase the output of 19 new (high-efficiency) products such as 19G and 2820D by 522,000 tons, and produce 11 new material products with grades such as DQDN3711 and UH060P, etc. 40,800 tons. In the first half of this year, it continued to expand the production of new (high-efficiency) chemical products such as DQDN3711 and 19G, and successfully developed 4 new products such as QL505PR and special functional fibers.

03 | Dushanzi Petrochemical

At present, Dushanzi Petrochemical is accelerating the construction of the Tarim 1.2 million tons/year Phase II ethylene project, which will quickly release 1.2 million tons of polyethylene, 450,000 tons of polypropylene, and 100,000 tons of rubber production capacity. At the same time, it can provide 400,000 tons of raw materials per year to drive the development of the downstream industrial chain.

The Tarim 1.2 million tons/year Phase II ethylene project adheres to the innovative and green construction concept and has built 11 major production units, 10 of which use domestic technology (9 use China Petroleum’s own technology); it maximizes the use of domestic technology and localized equipment, with a localization rate of 99%.

At the end of October this year, the first domestically produced dual-end functionalized solution-polymerized styrene-butadiene rubber SSBR3540 F was successfully started up at the 240,000 tons/year SSBR/SBS rubber unit of PetroChina Dushanzi Petrochemical , filling the domestic gap. Currently, the production capacity of solution-polymerized styrene-butadiene rubber of Dushanzi Petrochemical has reached 160,000 tons/year.

04 | Lanzhou Petrochemical

On June 3, the feasibility study report of the Lanzhou Petrochemical Company's transformation and upgrading ethylene renovation project (million-ton ethylene project) was approved by the China National Petroleum Corporation Party Committee Meeting, marking a key breakthrough in the project's advancement.

Lanzhou Petrochemical Company's transformation and upgrading ethylene renovation project eliminated 240,000 tons/year of obsolete ethylene production capacity, optimized 460,000 tons/year of ethylene, carried out 1.2 million tons/year of ethylene renovation, and built and put into use projects such as medical materials and high-end electronic protective film material production equipment, to comprehensively create a million-ton new material base.

After years of continuous optimization and adjustment of its structure, Lanzhou Petrochemical has formed an integrated refining and chemical production structure, with an annual ethylene output of 1.5 million tons, nitrile rubber production capacity ranking third in the world and second in Asia, and medical polypropylene RP260 filling the gap in the domestic medical material market. In 2024, Lanzhou Petrochemical will successfully produce metallocene ultra-low density polyethylene mPE1012 for the first time; produce the first batch of 220kv high-voltage cable material products CL2140P, breaking technical barriers; and implement the conversion of nitrile rubber NBR2805G and other brands in the rubber field. At present, Lanzhou Petrochemical's new material products have covered many high-tech industries such as medical polyolefins, automotive polyolefins, and metallocene polyolefins.

05 | Guangxi Petrochemical

The Guangxi Petrochemical Refining and Chemical Integration Transformation and Upgrading Project plans to build an ethylene refining unit with an annual capacity of 1.2 million tons and corresponding supporting facilities, including 14 chemical units and 2 refining units. It will promote the transformation of Guangxi Petrochemical from a "fuel type" to a "chemical product and organic material type", and realize the transformation from the refining-based refining and chemical basic industry to the "basic + high-end" energy and chemical material modernization. The total investment of the project is 30.5 billion yuan. After completion and production, it can reduce oil products by 3.49 million tons and increase chemical products by 3.06 million tons each year.

06 | Guangdong Petrochemical

As the world-class project with the largest one-time construction scale in China, the Guangdong Petrochemical Refining and Chemical Integration Project was fully put into production on February 27, 2023. This project is the largest refining and chemical project invested by PetroChina at one time, with a project scale of 20 million tons/year of refining + 2.6 million tons/year of aromatics + 1.2 million tons/year of ethylene, forming a unique deep processing route for heavy and inferior crude oil in the refining and chemical business, realizing "oil where oil is suitable, aromatics where aromatics are suitable, olefins where olefins are suitable".

Inventory of Typical Sinopec Enterprises Reducing Oil and Increasing Chemicals

Sinopec actively responded to the low point of the chemical industry's business cycle, adhered to the "basic + high-end" approach, continued to promote the diversification of raw materials, increased efforts in the development of new materials and high value-added products, and expanded the space for creating benefits.

Vigorously promote the development of domestic and overseas markets, strengthen strategic customer cooperation and product customization services. In the second half of the year, it is planned to produce 6.85 million tons of ethylene. The main investment projects of refining and chemical are:

01 | Zhenhai Refining and Chemical

The Zhenhai Refining and Chemical Expansion Project (Phase II) mainly includes the construction of a new 11 million tons/year refining plant, a 600,000 tons/year propane dehydrogenation plant and downstream processing units. The project will start construction in June 2022 and is scheduled to be delivered in December 2024. On August 30, 2024, the first batch of main and supporting projects of the Zhenhai Base Phase II - aromatics extraction, catalytic gasoline hydrogenation, and pressure tank area - achieved mechanical completion. So far, the overall schedule of the Zhenhai Base Phase II project has been completed by 95%, and the project construction is stable and orderly.

The Zhenhai 1.5 million tons/year ethylene and downstream high-end new materials industry cluster project mainly includes the construction of a new 1.5 million tons/year ethylene unit and downstream processing units, as well as supporting public works and auxiliary facilities. The project will start in November 2023 and is scheduled to be delivered in mid-2026. The project is funded by its own funds and bank loans. As of June 30, 2024, a total investment of RMB 2.8 billion has been completed.

02 | Tianjin Base

The Tianjin Nangang Ethylene and Downstream High-end New Materials Industry Cluster Project mainly includes the construction of a new 1.2 million tons/year ethylene plant and downstream processing units. The project is a key project of the country's "14th Five-Year Plan" with a total investment of over 30 billion yuan. It will extend its development downstream with a 1.2 million tons/year ethylene plant as the leader, and will build 13 sets of production units such as high-density polyethylene and linear low-density polyethylene.

In addition, the 260,000 tons/year polycarbonate (PC) project of Sinopec (Tianjin) Petrochemical Co., Ltd. will be put into commercial operation in Tianjin Nangang Industrial Zone in 2023. This project is another fruitful result of the joint venture between Sinopec and Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) after the million-ton ethylene project. It will further meet the growing domestic PC market demand and promote the rapid development of the high-end new materials industry.

03 | Maoming Petrochemical

The project mainly includes the construction of a 3 million tons/year catalytic cracking complex, a 1 million tons/year ethylene complex, and supporting public works and auxiliary facilities. The project will start in June 2023 and is scheduled to be delivered in mid-2026.

This project is a key project for Maoming Petrochemical to promote new industrialization, promote high-end, intelligent and green manufacturing, and achieve the fourth leap-forward development. After all the units are put into use, the system processing capacity will increase by nearly 100% year-on-year, meeting the circulating cooling water needs of the five production units in operation and the subsequent No. 3 ethylene unit and auxiliary facilities.

04 | Hainan Refining and Chemical

On February 21, 2023, Hainan Petrochemical's 1 million tons/year ethylene and refining expansion project successfully completed the entire process, and each unit was successfully started up with one feed.

The project is a key engineering project of Hainan Province and Sinopec. It mainly includes a 1 million tons/year ethylene cracking unit and a total of 10 downstream chemical units. During the construction period, it has created jobs for more than 30,000 people, and has driven the establishment of downstream industries such as Hainan Baling New Materials Company and Oak Chemical Company, and promoted Hainan Liansu and other four companies to extend the industrial chain.

05 | Anqing Petrochemical

On July 6, 2023, with the 400,000 tons/year ethylbenzene-styrene unit producing qualified products, all units of the Anqing Petrochemical Refinery Conversion Plant Structural Adjustment Project were successfully started up safely and environmentally friendly at one time. The project is led by a 3 million tons/year heavy oil catalytic cracking unit. By increasing the production of light olefins and aromatic raw materials to produce high-value-added chemical products, it effectively enhances the adaptability and flexibility of the company's production structure to changes in demand, and explores a development path for domestic refining companies to cope with overcapacity and achieve transformation and upgrading. Among them, the 3 million tons/year heavy oil catalytic cracking unit is the world's first RTC process heavy oil catalytic cracking unit, and the 400,000 tons/year ethylbenzene-styrene unit is currently the largest dry gas method ethylbenzene unit in China.

06 | Shanghai Petrochemical

As China's first 10,000-ton 48K large-tow carbon fiber project, Shanghai Petrochemical's 24,000 tons/year raw fiber and 12,000 tons/year 48K large-tow carbon fiber project. The first domestic production line was put into operation in October 2022 and produced qualified products, marking that Sinopec's large-tow carbon fiber has successfully moved from key technology breakthroughs, industrial trial production, and industrialization to scale and localization of key equipment, breaking the passive situation of my country's carbon fiber production and equipment being controlled by people, and truly realizing independent control.

07 | Baling Petrochemical

On December 15, 2023, Line A of Baling Petrochemical's 600,000 tons/year caprolactam industry chain relocation and upgrading transformation and development project was completed and successfully started up at one time, marking the completion and production of the world's largest single-unit caprolactam production and research and development base with leading technology, opening up a new path for the green transformation and development of heavy chemical industry along the river.

The project adopts Sinopec's new generation of caprolactam green complete set of new technologies with independent intellectual property rights, and realizes industrial application for the first time. The project construction includes 58 sets of new coal gasification, caprolactam, polyamide, synthetic ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, cyclohexanone and other equipment, covering the entire industrial chain from coal-to-hydrogen to polyamide, with a localization rate of 99.9% of the equipment, including the central control system, which is completely localized.

08 | Kuche Green Hydrogen Demonstration Project

On August 30, 2023, the Kuche Green Hydrogen Demonstration Project was fully completed and put into operation. This is the first project in my country to achieve the full industrial chain of 10,000-ton green hydrogen refining and chemical production. It has an annual hydrogen production capacity of 20,000 tons by water electrolysis, a hydrogen storage capacity of 210,000 standard cubic meters, and a hydrogen transmission capacity of 28,000 standard cubic meters per hour. It is the largest photovoltaic power generation direct green hydrogen production demonstration project built using the abundant solar energy resources in western my country. The green hydrogen produced by the project is transported to Tahe Refining and Chemical through pipelines to replace natural gas hydrogen production, which can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 485,000 tons per year.

The project will build new photovoltaic power generation, water electrolysis hydrogen production, green hydrogen storage and transportation equipment, as well as public works and supporting auxiliary production facilities. The major equipment and core materials such as photovoltaic components, electrolyzers, hydrogen storage tanks, hydrogen pipelines, etc. are all domestically produced, which is of great significance to promoting the rapid development of the domestic hydrogen production equipment industry.

#sinopec  #petrochina  #china  #refining  #petrochemicals 


Source: Jilin City, China Petroleum News, China Petrochemical News, Super Petrochemical, official websites of various companies, China Chemical Information Weekly

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/12/05 03:39 PM

With a total investment of 27.8 billion yuan, a new million-ton ethylene project was launched.

2024-10-22, Source

The total investment of Luoyang Petrochemical's million-ton ethylene project is 27.8 billion yuan, mainly to build 13 sets of process production units such as 1 million tons/year ethylene, and implement oil refining adaptability transformation at the same time.

On December 22, 2023, China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation and Henan Shenma Guoxing Industrial Investment Co., Ltd. signed an investment cooperation intention agreement. The two parties will jointly invest to establish a joint venture to jointly build the Luoyang Petrochemical million-ton ethylene project and create a first-class green petrochemical advanced materials industry base in China.

On September 12, 2024, Sinopec Group approved the basic design of Luoyang Petrochemical's million-ton ethylene project, marking that the Luoyang Petrochemical's million-ton ethylene project will enter the full construction stage.

The construction content of Luoyang Petrochemical Million Tons of Ethylene Project includes the construction of:
°a new 1 million tons/year ethylene unit,
°a 600,000 tons/year cracking gasoline hydrogenation unit,
°a 400,000 tons/year aromatics extraction unit,
°a 300,000 tons/year m-LLDPE unit,
°a 350,000 tons/year HDPE unit, and
°a 350,000 tons/year #3  polypropylene unit.

The project is scheduled to be completed and put into operation in December 2025.

After the project is put into production, it can sell about 3 million tons of various chemical products each year, increase the output value by 20 billion yuan, drive more than 160 billion yuan of downstream industrial chain investment, and form an industrial cluster of "hundreds of billions of investment and 10,000 jobs.

#luoyang  #petrochemical  #cpcc  #sinopec  #ethylene  #steamcracker  #hdpe  #lldpe  #polypropylene  #polyethylene  #gasoline  #pygas  #hydrogenation  #china  #henan

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/12/05 08:11 AM

Nov 2024, Hunan Petrochemical Company Profile

Sinopec Hunan Petrochemical Co., Ltd. was formed by the integration of the former Baling Petrochemical and Changling Refining and Chemical (the two companies were personally approved by Premier Zhou Enlai in the late 1960s). In the past two years, under the guidance and support of national ministries and commissions, the Hunan Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, and the Sinopec Party Committee, the company has adhered to the idea of ​​"promoting reform through development and promoting development through reform" and actively promoted integrated development and reform. Hunan Petrochemical completed its industrial and commercial registration on June 6, 2023 and officially achieved integrated operations on January 1, 2024.

The company currently has a product chain of oil refining, caprolactam-polyamide, elastomers, epoxy resins, propylene oxide, asphalt-carbon materials, etc. Among them, the primary processing capacity of oil refining is 10 million tons/year, the production capacity of caprolactam is 1 million tons/year (including 400,000 tons of Hengyi in Zhejiang Baling), the production capacity of thermoplastic elastomer is 550,000 tons/year (including 170,000 tons in Hainan Baling), the production capacity of epoxy resin is 120,000 tons/year, and the production capacity of propylene oxide is 100,000 tons/year. There are more than 100 main products. There are 10,804 registered employees and 9,153 employees on the job. In 2023, a total of 9.5 million tons of crude oil will be processed, with an operating income of 75.6 billion yuan and taxes and fees of 11.1 billion yuan.

The company attaches great importance to scientific and technological innovation, and has won 27 national awards in total, including 1 first prize in the National Technological Invention Award, 5 first prizes in the National Science and Technology Progress Award, and 1 China Industrial Award. It has more than 640 authorized patents and has been rated as an innovative enterprise of Sinopec. Its production technologies for caprolactam, thermoplastic elastomers, epoxy resins, propylene oxide, etc. are all world-leading, and all have independent intellectual property rights.

The company has successively won the honorary titles of the first batch of national first-class enterprises, national civilized units, national May 1st Labor Medal, national advanced grassroots party organization, and national outstanding enterprise for ideological and political work.

In the next step, the company will focus on building the development positioning of Hunan Petrochemical as "characteristic, green and outstanding", implement the development strategy of "innovation-driven, value-oriented, green and intelligent, and talent-driven", adhere to the development path with the construction of "1 million tons/year ethylene refining and chemical integration project" as the core, promote the formation of an industrial structure of "clean oil products + modern chemical industry + high-end chemical new materials", and strive to realize the development vision of "building a world-leading green petrochemical new materials innovation base".

#hunan  #petrochemical  #sinopec  #balingpetrochemical  #changlingrefining  #hunanpetrochemical  #refining  #chemical  #china 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/12/04 04:10 PM

PetroChina Jilin Petrochemicals, manufacturing site have been added and mass balance initialized.


#steamcracking #ethylene  #polyethylene  #abs  #rubber  #crudeoil  #petrochina  #cnpc  #jilinpetrochemical 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/12/04 10:13 AM

Sinopec INEOS (Tianjin) Petrochemical Co., Ltd. and manufacturing site have been added.

#sinopec  #ineos  #tianjin  #petrochemical  #olefins  #steamcracking  #ethylene  #polyethylene  #polypropylene  #hdpe  #lldpe  #poe  #elastomers  #acrylonitriele  #butadiene  #pygas  #aromatics  #mtbe 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/12/04 10:05 AM

Sinopec Tianjin BranchSinopec (Tianjin) Petrochemical Co., Ltd. and Sinopec Group Asset Management Co., Ltd. Tianjin Petrochemical Branch are collectively referred to as Tianjin Petrochemical Company. It is a national super-large refining and chemical integration enterprise affiliated to Sinopec. It was established on December 28, 1983 and is located in Tianjin Binhai New Area.

Shareholding for each entity is assigned to Sinopec. 

Tianiin refining, petrochemicals and chemicals site assigned to Tianjin Petrochemical Company as it is not clear how the activites are split between the various entities.

#tianjin  #china  #sinopec  #petrochemical  #tianjinbranch  #petrochemicalbranch 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/12/03 09:05 AM

Hengli Petrochemical has been assigned to Hengli Group.


#hengli #petrochemical  #dalian  #liaoning  #pta  #polyester 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/12/03 08:44 AM

Information details about Petrochina Daqing Refining and Chemical Company have been updated.

#petrochina  #daqing  #refiningandchemical  #crudeoil  #Heilongjiang 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/12/03 08:40 AM

Petrochina Daqing Petrochemical has been created and its site's mass balance initialized.


#daqing #petrochina  #petrochemical  #massbalance  #refining  #crudeoil  #ethylene  #steamcracking  #heilongjiang 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/26 10:51 AM

Credit: Gunvor, Rotterdam refinery

By Jack Wittels and Alex Longley, November 22, 2024, Bloomberg

Gunvor Group is temporarily halting its Rotterdam oil refinery because it’s not making enough money, the latest sign that the continent’s plants are struggling to compete with upstarts in other parts of the world.

Effective Nov. 25, the so-called economic halt is due to a lack of prompt availability of commercially viable feedstock, the company said in a statement. Gunvor said it will “continue to monitor the situation and assess future resupply for the refinery in due course.”

With a processing capacity of 75,000 barrels a day, the plant is relatively tiny. Still, it joins a growing list of European refineries with plans to either halt or downsize, including the Wesseling and Gelsenkirchen plants in Germany and the Grangemouth facility in Scotland.

Europe’s refineries are under pressure from large, new plants, including in the Middle East and Africa, such as Nigeria’s giant new Dangote refinery. The rival fuelmakers can send what they make to Europe, and also compete for market share elsewhere in the world.

#gunvor  #refinery  #europe  #rotterdam  #wesseling  #gelsenkirchen  #grangemounth  #petroineos  #lyondellbasell  #ineos  #nigeria  #dangote  #crudeoil  #bp 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/18 08:52 PM

The definition of crude oil (main product) has been updated and significantly improved.

#crudeoil  #petroleum 


UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/13 10:33 AM

Picture: Indian subcontinent refineries, via ppPLUS

India’s dependence on imports to meet its requirements of basic petrochemicals, including polymers, is only expected to rise, despite projects – under implementation and on the drawing boards. This is partly because the historical baggage of poor capacity builds will take time to catch up with rising demand.

In the last few years, however, India’s public sector refiners have climbed on the petrochemicals bandwagon, seeking value-added outlets for refinery streams. They have invested in aromatics (for feeding the polyester value chain), propylene (for polypropylene, PP, and some other chemicals notably, oxo-alcohols and acrylate monomers), linear alkyl benzene (LAB), a key detergent raw material, and a few other projects. And more are to come in the near-term.

There are several commonalities amongst the firm projects. For one, the emphasis seems to be on building the C3 (propylene) value chain. This is not surprising as FCC propylene offers a simple, low-cost route to the olefin and one that can be conveniently retrofitted into existing refinery operations. There is also an overwhelming emphasis on PP production, which may not be wise, as it runs the risk of overbuild should demand growth not pan out as anticipated.

There are other propylene derivatives that can be considered, and these merit attention if not by the refiners themselves then by third party investors for whom it will be more worthwhile. Much will hinge on the commercials of the olefin supply arrangement, but such business models are widely followed, including here in India, let alone in other countries.

Importantly, the government needs to recognise that the chemical industry as a key enabler of modern living, and not a nuisance to be constrained through regulation and red-tape. The priority must be on developing well-developed clusters where not just the petrochemical industry, but also the broad chemical industry – including the fine and specialty chemical industries, wherein India’s competitiveness is well recognised – can locate and start operations in double-quick time. Clusters are efficient and safe locales where the industry can thrive, as several countries have amply shown.
India needs a much larger and more diversified chemical industry than it has now. The former it seems is happening. Not so sure of the latter. The herd mentality to investments needs to change. Those who have dared to do so – and there are a few examples – have been amply rewarded. More need to emulate, not imitate, them!

Ravi Raghavan, 12 Nov 2024, Linkedin post.

#india  #petrochemicals  #chemicals  #valuechains  #propylene  #fcc  #refinery  #polyester  #aromatics  #olefins  #polypropylene  #acrylics  #lab  #chemicalindustry  #indianchemicals  #IOCL  #BPCL  #HPCL  #RelianceIndustries  #investment  #specialitychemicals  #finechemicals  #oilrefining  #polymers  #ethylene  #competitiveness 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/12 12:29 PM

Both phase I and Phase II Ethane-to-Ethylene projects have been geographically located. Phase I mass balance has been initialized. 

#petrochina  #dushanzi  #korla  #china  #ethyleneplant  #steamcracker  #ethylene  #polyethylene   

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/11 08:30 PM

All Ionikylation plants, excepted the first one from Deyang Chemical Co. Ltd that could not be spotted, have been mapped. Three plants each are in operation at Petrochina and Sinopec.

#sinopec  #petrochina  #cnpc  #alkylation  #alkylates 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/11 08:07 PM

Details about crude processing capacity, alkylation and gasoline production added.

#alylate  #alkylation  #ionikylation  #adu  #cdu  #crudeoil  #gasoline  #dagang  #petrochemical  #petrochina  #china  

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/11 06:57 PM

Petrochina Gomud refinery has been added and mass balance initialized.

#petrochina #godmud  # qinghqi #china  #crudeoil  #alkylation  #alkylate  #ionikylation 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/11 11:07 AM

BEIJING--January 24, 2023--Researched by Industrial Info Resources (Sugar Land, Texas)--PetroChina Harbin Petrochemical Company Limited (Harbin, China) will spend more than US$95 million on 23 projects such as plant upgrades, maintenance and revamps. Among the projects is the maintenance turnaround of a 2,000-barrel-per-day benzene extraction unit at the Harbin Refinery.


#harbin  #petrochemical  #petrochina  #benzene

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/11 09:34 AM

Photo: Petrochina Dalian Refinery

7 Nov 2024

PetroChina, one of China’s major oil companies, plans to close its Dalian refinery in northeastern China by mid-2025, marking the first complete shutdown of a state-operated refinery in the country. The Dalian refinery, which dates back to 1993, has a crude processing capacity of 410,000 barrels per day (bpd) and a Nelson complexity index of approximately 6.1, reflecting its ability to handle various crude oil types and produce a range of refined products. It contributes around 3% of China’s total refining capacity and has been a significant part of PetroChina’s refinery network for decades.

The refinery plays a vital role in supplying refined products to the Chinese domestic market, including diesel, gasoline, and jet fuel. While its primary focus has been on meeting local demand, the Dalian refinery has also engaged in exports, supplying refined products to other regions in Asia, particularly  Japan and  South Korea. The facility primarily processes  Russian ESPO (East Siberia Pacific Ocean) crude, which is delivered via pipelines from Siberian fields through China’s northeastern region.

PetroChina’s decision to close the Dalian refinery stems from multiple factors, including overcapacity, weakened domestic fuel demand due to slower economic growth, and an increase in vehicle electrification across China. Environmental concerns have also played a role, as the refinery has been situated in a densely populated area, with incidents such as an oil spill in 2010 and fires in 2013 and 2017 highlighting the risks of operating a large facility in close proximity to urban areas.

The phased shutdown began in October 2023, with PetroChina closing a 210,000-bpd unit within the refinery. The remaining capacity is scheduled to be taken offline by 2025. Once the shutdown is complete, PetroChina intends to redirect crude oil supply to other refineries in northern China, including the WEPEC (West Pacific Petrochemical Company) refinery in Dalian and another facility in nearby Jinzhou.

In a bid to offset the reduction in refining capacity, PetroChina’s parent company, the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), announced plans to develop a new, smaller refinery and chemical complex on Changxing Island, approximately two hours from Dalian. This project, valued at CNY70 billion (USD 9.6 billion), is expected to process around 200,000 bpd of crude oil and produce 1.2 million tonnes of ethylene annually. However, the new complex is still in the pre-feasibility stage, and a final investment decision has yet to be made.

The closure of the Dalian refinery underscores PetroChina’s efforts to modernise its infrastructure, reduce environmental risks, and adapt to changing energy demands. With China moving towards greener energy solutions and reduced reliance on fossil fuels, PetroChina’s shift reflects the country’s broader strategic push towards sustainability.


#dalian  #refinery  #cnpc  #petrochina  #crudeoil  #espo 

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UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/11 07:28 AM

ADU, crude imports and ionikylation alkylation process added.

#crudeoil #oilimport  #processingcapacity  #china  #harbin  #petrochina  #alkylation  #adu  #cdu  #alkylate 


UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/11 06:39 AM

Harbin Petrochemical, a branch of and an entity controlled by Petrochina, was created.

#china #harbin  #petrochemical  #china  #petrochina 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/10 09:10 PM

Ionikylation technology has been added and described in details. Existing commercial unit are being added to the corresponding sites.


#wellresources #chinauniversityofpetroleum  #china  #alkylation   #alkylates  #ionikylation  #sinopec  #petrochina 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/09 08:12 PM

China University of Petroleum (CUP) has been created.
The University has notably developed and is commercializing the ionic liquid catalyzed Inonikylation technology. 

#china  #university  #petroleum  #alkylation  #ionicliquid  #ionikylation   

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/08 06:31 PM

Sinochem Hongrun Petrochemical (Weifang) Co.,Ltd and sites in Qinqzhou and Binhai have been created. 

#sinochem  #hongrun  #petrochemical  #shandong  #binhai  #quingzhou  

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/07 01:44 PM


#hongrun  #sinochem  #petrochemical  #hongkong 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/07 01:19 PM

Sinochem Hongrun Petrochemical Co., Ltd. has been added.

#sinochem  #hongrun  #hongkong  #china  #petrochemical  #weifant  #shandong 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/03 06:38 PM

On Oct. 23, Bora LyondellBasell Petrochemical Co., Ltd. (BLYB) celebrated producing 5 million tonnes of polyolefins since its commissioning, LyondellBasell reports on Linkedin. This news triggered us into creating a model of the Panjin site with a good level of details (illustration above), although some information is still lacking, especially on specific technologies employed. BLYB, a joint venture between LYB and Jincheng Petrochemical, operates one of China’s largest polyolefin production sites in Panjin, Liaoning, with an annual capacity of 1.1 million tons of ethylene and related products.

#lyondellbasell  #jincheng  #petrochemicals  #polyolefins  #china  #blyb  #boralyndellbasell  #ethylene 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/02 05:24 PM

Some productions and consumptions have been added to site.

Corresponding technologies need to be identified.

#sinopec  #zhanjiang  #refinery  #petrochemicals  #zhongke  #steamcracker  #eva  #polyethylene  #polypropylene  #ethyleneglycol  #meg 


UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/10/31 10:04 AM

BLYB, a joint venture between LYB and Jincheng Petrochemical, operates one of China’s largest polyolefin production sites in Panjin, Liaoning, with an annual capacity of 1.1 million tons of ethylene and related products.

Source: 24th Oct 2024, Lyondellbasell on Linkedin

#bora  #lyondellbasell  #jincheng  #petrochemical  #china  #liaoning  #panjin  #polyolefins 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/10/30 03:13 PM

Bora LyondellBasell Petrochemical Co., Ltd. company and petrochemical site in Panjin have been added. 

#bora  #lyondellbasell  #blyb  #jincheng  #shangdong  #panjin  #petrochemical 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/10/30 02:02 PM

Shandong Jincheng Petrochemical estimated crude oil consumption has been added.


#shandong #jincheng  #petrochemical  #crudeoil  #refining 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/10/30 12:46 PM

Shandong Jincheng Petrochemical Group and refinery have been added.

#shangdong  #jincheng  #petrochemical #panjin  #liaoning  #bora  #haoye 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/10/29 09:21 AM

Shandong Qilu Petrochemical Engineering Co. Ltd ("QPEC"), a Chinese developer of petrochemical technologies, engineering and construction company, has been added.

#qpec  #shandong  #qilu  #petrochemicals  #technologies   

Goh, Jun

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/10/20 03:03 PM

As of September 8, Guangdong Petrochemical has processed more than 30 million tons of crude oil since it was put into production in early 2023, Longchang Petrochemical reports. In the past year, it has helped Jieyang's GDP, industrial added value above designated size and other important economic indicators to grow first in Guangdong Province and become an important supply base for refined oil and chemical products in eastern Guangdong and even South China . The company guaranteed the "crude oil basket" according to the principle of optimal cost performance, and fully opened the "marine energy lifeline". In the past two years, it has received and unloaded 35.37 million tons of crude oil carried by 137 tankers, involving 36 varieties in 17 countries. The functional status of China Petroleum Offshore Import Crude Oil Optimization Center has been continuously strengthened and upgraded.

#petrochina  #longchang  #guangdong  #petrochemical  #crudeoil #refining  #china  #crudeoilimport 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/10/20 02:39 PM

Petrochina shareholding has been updated.

#petrochina  #cnpc  #china 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/10/20 01:21 PM

The mass balance of Guangdong Petrochemical has been initialized with identification of crude oil imports and the addition of two technologies: Huanqiu Steam Cracking and Grace's Unipol PP with their respective capacities.

#unipolpp  #steamcracking  #ethylene  #huanqiu  #guangdong  #petrochemical  #china  #refining

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/10/20 08:35 AM

Shazand Petrochemical has been added.

#iran  #shazand  #arak  #arpc  #petrochemical  #refining  #naphtha 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/10/20 08:07 AM

Gansu Longchang Petrochemical Group Company Limited (Longchang Petrochemical) has been added.

#china  #longchang  #gansu  #petrochemical  #xigu 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/10/18 07:41 AM

Huanqiu steam cracking technology has been added as a placeholder. Technology description needs to be developed.

#steamcracking  #petrochina  #cnpc  #steamcracking  #ethylene  #huanqiu 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/10/18 07:34 AM

China Huanqiu Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of PetroChina (CNPC) has been created.

#huanqiu  #enginenering  #technology  #cnpc  #petrochina  #china 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/10/18 05:48 AM

Company details, location and shareholding have been updated, including information that PDVSA withdrew from the project.

 #guangdong  #heavycrude  #pdvsa  #china  #cnpc  #petrochina  #cnpc 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/10/17 07:54 PM

SINOPEC Zhanjiang Dongxing Petrochemical Company Limited

For the record, we reproduce here below the description page of the SINOPEC Zhanjiang Dongxing Petrochemical Co., Ltd. dated from Nov. 2016 on the Sinopec website as this description is not up-to-date and may disappear:

SINOPEC Zhanjiang Dongxing Petrochemical Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) is a large-scale oil refining and petrochemical enterprise, with a crude oil processing capacity of 5 million tons per year. The Company has 28 sets of production plants and matching utilities, such as atmospheric and vacuum distillation, catalytic cracking, reforming, hydrogenation, polypropylene, aromatics extraction, gas separation and sulfur recovery. The main products include gasoline and diesel, LPG, naphtha, benzene, xylems, polypropylene, heavy oil, etc. 

The Company is located at the southernmost tip of Chinese mainland Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province, with an area of 1428 mu. The Company is only 4.2 kilometers away from Zhanjiang Port which is the biggest sea port in southern China, thus tankers can directly dock at the 300 thousand-ton-pier of the port. Relying on its geographic advantage as well as the convenience of sea, highway, railway and pipeline transportation, refined oil products can be sent to Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan provinces and the Pearl River Delta regions in Guangdong province straightly. 

Since the acquisition, the Company firmly follows the overall arrangement of SINOPEC Group. On the basis of maintaining and carrying forward the fine traditions, the Company gives full play to the advantages of its institutions and mechanisms. Meanwhile, it pays close attention to “people-oriented” principle as well as “HSE” management, and vigorously promotes fine management. The Company has achieved security and stability of production for 10 years and also puts an end to security and environmental accidents and unplanned shutdown incidents which must be reported to the Group. The main technical indicators of the Company keep improving year by year, and some of them are keeping an advanced level of the industry. 

Sinopec merges two Guangdong-based refineries

In Aug. 2014, Reuters reports that Sinopec Corp has merged two subsidiary refineries in Guangdong combined the newly launched Zhongke refinery complex and a neighbouring old plant Dongxing Petrochemical, both based in the coastal city of Zhanjiang, and named the merged entity Zhongke Refining and Chemical Co.

ZhongKe (Guangdong) Refinery & Petrochemical Company Limited

In the 2023 Annual Report and Accounts of SINOPEC Corp., ZhongKe (Guangdong) Refinery & Petrochemical Company Limited is reported as a main subsidiary in which the Sinopec parent holds a 90.3% share in its subsidiary.

#sinopec  #zhanjiang  #dongxing  #petrochemical  #guangdong  #
zhongke #refinery 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/10/16 05:02 PM

SINOPEC SABIC Tianjin Petrochemical Co. Ltd. (SSTPC) has been created.


#sinopec #sabic  #jointventure  #petrochemicals  #china  #tianjin  

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/10/15 11:25 AM


Sinopec-SK (Wuhan) Petrochemical Co., Ltd. has been created and parent companies identified.

#sinopec  #sk  #jointventure  #wuhan  #china  #petrochemicals  

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/10/15 10:16 AM

The spinoff from the Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands said in a statement that ‘achieving a positive cash flow from its advanced polyester recycling technology will take too long’, sustainable Plastics reports.

Ioniqa has been operating a demonstration facility at Brightlands Chemelot Campus in Geleen, the Netherlands , since summer 2019. The demo plant, with a capacity of 10,000 tonnes a year, produces recycled PET for food-contact applications.

This January, the company received funding from Infinity Recycling’s Circular Plastics Fund to help scale up and bring its technology to market, including broadening its feedstock to include polyester fibres.

However, ten months in, Ioniqa said large-scale deployment of its PET depolymerisation technology has proven ‘economically unfeasible’ under current market conditions and the company’s current set-up.

It cited low cost of virgin plastics, a plastics recycling chain still in development, and too-far-out-into-the future implementation of recycling quotas mandates as factors for its poor financial position.

With its strategic licencing partner Koch Technology Solutions, a UK-based  technology licensing business with roots in DuPont, the partners expected to sell licences will on an estimated 50,000-plus tonnes scale...

The company’s Denua technology is a proprietary glycolysis process that depolymerises all types and colours of PET waste into its original monomers. Its feedstock is mostly based on low-end PET.

As an investor, if you had asked portfolio planning PLUS, we would have told you about the financial risk by developing an integrated economic model on our PAAS system.

#chemicalrecycling  #plasticrecycling  #pet  #depolymerisation 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/10/15 06:09 AM

Pyrolysis Fuel Oil (PFO) has been added.


#fueloil #steamcracking  #petroleumresidue  #ethyleneplant 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/10/13 07:26 AM

China Petrochemical Technology Company, Ltd. (SINOPEC TECH) has been added.

#sinopec  #sinopectech  #technologylicensor  #petrochemicaltechnologies  #china 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/10/12 07:17 AM

Purified Ethylene Oxide has been added. 


#ethyleneoxide #ethylene  #oxidationreaction  #highpurityethyleneoxide #purifiedethyleneoxide  #peo 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/10/06 03:16 PM

DOW METEOR Ethylene Oxide process description has been updated.


#dow #ethyleneglycol  #monoethyleneglycol  #deg  #teg  #meg  #mixedglycols  #pet  #polyester  #meteor 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/10/03 05:14 AM

The Council for Permit Disputes has annulled the licence for the chemical company Ineos Aromatics to operate in Geel and Laakdal. According to the council's president, Thursday's annulment means Ineos Aromatics must cease operations until a new licence can be obtained, but Ineos denies this.

Source: belga NEWS Agency, 22th Aug 2024. 

#ineos  #aromatics  #pet  #belgium  #geel 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/10/01 11:57 AM

Petroineos Trading Limited has been added and parent companies identified.

#petroineos  #trading  #fuels  #ineos  #petrochina 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/10/01 11:31 AM

Petroineos Fuels Ltd. has been added and parent identified.

#petroineos #fuels  #ineos  #petrochina  #refining 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/09/15 07:53 PM

Petroineos, a Joint Venture between INEOS and PetroChina, has announced its intention to cease refinery operations at Grangemouth and transition to a finished fuels import terminal and distribution hub during the second quarter of 2025, subject to consultation with employees.

Situated on the Firth of Forth on Scotland’s east coast, Grangemouth Refinery is the oldest of the six remaining refineries in the  UK and the only refinery in Scotland. Grangemouth refining capacity stands at 150,000 barrels of crude oil per day.

A spokesman for Petroineos said that in the last week, the refinery has lost around 500,000 US dollars (£381,000) per day, and absorbed total losses of 775 million US dollars (£590 million): “it is hard to conceive that any owner would be able or willing to sustain losses on this scale indefinitely and in the face of competitive pressure from newer, more modern facilities across Europe and elsewhere in the world” the spokesperson added.

Other INEOS businesses at Grangemouth, namely INEOS O&P UK and INEOS FPS (Forties Pipeline System), will continue as normal delivering high quality services and products to customers and are largely unaffected by this change, Ineos stated.

#ineos  #petroineos  #refinery  #grangemouth  #crudeoil 

Sources: INEOS announcement, 12 Sep 2024 | The Westmorland Gazette, 13 Sep 2024

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/08/10 05:10 PM

MTO process and productions have been added to site and thus mass balance initialized.

#mto  #methanol  #sailboat  #petrochemical  #olefins  #ethylene  #propylene 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/08/10 02:46 PM

Shareholder has been changed to Eastern Shenghong.

#sailboat  #petrochemical 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/06/20 06:49 PM

Jim Ratcliffe, the second richest person in Britain and owner of Manchester United, stated on Bloomberg Television on 18th June:

"Everybody's leaving petrochemicals in Europe, which is something I've never seen in my working life before."

"I'm talking mainland Europe, but I mean, sort of it applies to the UK as well, energy costs are five times the cost of America. Electricity is five times the price of America. It's not 5% or 10% or 50% but 500%."

"So anything where any sort of activity which involves using energy in some form or another is disadvantaged in Europe compared to America or the Middle East, obviously. And then on top of that, you've got a carbon tax. So if you emit anything which has got carbon in it, you pay a carbon tax, you don't pay a carbon tax in America. And then on top of that, you've got social costs."

"There's not much chemical industry left in the UK, it's pretty much finished really. Unfortunately, I don't think the government ever really recognize the importance of that. It's an enormous industry worldwide, but if you look at petrochemicals in Europe it's about the same size as automotive. It's a really big industry."

"Places like America are in a great place for manufacturing because, you know, they've got cheap energy, they've got no carbon taxes. They've got a government which is very interested in social costs, which are very manageable." 

#petrochemicals  #energycosts  #europe  #UK  #carbontax  #socialcosts  #manufacturing 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/06/17 09:08 AM

Vienna, Austria, 13 June 2024--In a recent article published by Energy Aspects, HE Haitham Al Ghais, OPEC Secretary General, emphasized that oil is set to play a key role in human lives for years and decades to come. “Peak oil demand is not on the horizon,” he stated.

"The peak oil demand narrative was repeated when the IEA published its Oil 2024 report in which it once again stated that oil demand would peak before 2030. It is a dangerous commentary, especially for consumers, and will only lead to energy volatility on a potentially unprecedented scale".

"To the contrary, OPEC revise its oil demand expectations upwards to 116 mb/d by 2045, and there is potential for this level to be even higher. We do not foresee a peak in oil demand in our long-term forecast."

This is eerily aligned with the forecast ppPLUS has repeatedly issued for several years as summarized in this most recent publication.

Source: OPEC

@opec #crudeoil  #peakoil  #oildemand 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/06/04 07:40 AM

SPRING and IRVING, Texas – Exxon Mobil Corporation (NYSE: XOM) and Pioneer Natural Resources (NYSE: PXD) jointly announced a definitive agreement for ExxonMobil to acquire Pioneer. The merger is an all-stock transaction valued at $59.5 billion, or $253 per share, based on ExxonMobil’s closing price on October 5, 2023. Under the terms of the agreement, Pioneer shareholders will receive 2.3234 shares of ExxonMobil for each Pioneer share at closing. The implied total enterprise value of the transaction, including net debt, is approximately $64.5 billion.

The merger combines Pioneer’s more than 850,000 net acres in the Midland Basin with ExxonMobil’s 570,000 net acres in the Delaware and Midland Basins, creating the industry’s leading high-quality undeveloped U.S. unconventional inventory position. Together, the companies will have an estimated 16 billion barrels of oil equivalent resource in the Permian. At close, ExxonMobil’s Permian production volume would more than double to 1.3 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (MOEBD), based on 2023 volumes, and is expected to increase to approximately 2 MOEBD in 2027. ExxonMobil believes the transaction represents an opportunity for even greater U.S. energy security by bringing the best technologies, operational excellence and financial capability to an important source of domestic supply, benefitting the American economy and its consumers.

• Transforms ExxonMobil’s upstream portfolio, more than doubling the company’s Permian footprint and creating an industry-leading, high-quality, high-return undeveloped U.S. unconventional inventory position

• Expect to generate double-digit returns by recovering more resource, more efficiently and with a lower environmental impact

• Combines Pioneer’s sizeable acreage, entrepreneurial culture and deep industry expertise with ExxonMobil’s balance-sheet strength, advanced technologies and industry-leading project development capabilities

• Plans to accelerate Pioneer’s net zero Permian ambition from 2050 to 2035

• Strengthens U.S. economy and energy security

#permian  #pioneer  #crudeoil 

Source: ExxonMobil News releases, 11th Oct 2023

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/05/29 09:16 AM

Aramco, one of the world’s leading integrated energy and chemicals companies, has entered into discussions with Hengli Group Co., Ltd. (“Hengli Group”) regarding the potential acquisition of a 10% stake in Hengli Petrochemical Co., Ltd. (“Hengli Petrochemical”), subject to due diligence and required regulatory clearances.

The companies signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) regarding the proposed transaction, which aligns with Aramco’s strategy to expand its downstream presence in key high-value markets, advance its liquids-to-chemicals program, and secure long-term crude oil supply agreements.

Hengli Petrochemical, a controlled subsidiary of Hengli Group, owns and operates a 400,000 barrel per day refinery and integrated chemicals complex in Liaoning Province, China, and several plants and production facilities in Jiangsu and Guangdong Provinces.


#refining  #crudeoil  #petrochemicals  #China

UserPic Braun (Sysadmin), Uwe
2022/04/25 04:43 PM

Acelen was created by Mubadala Capital, the asset management subsidiary of Mubadala Investment Company, a leading global sovereign investor. Present in Brazil since 2012, Mubadala Capital is a responsible, active and innovative investor with a long-term vision, committed to making a positive social and economic impact on the communities where it operates.
