DOW Terneuzen
DOW Benelux B.V.
Predominantly Chemicals Operations
/ Hoek
Herbert H. Dowweg

Aerial view of Dow chemical plants in the Terneuzen site with the locations of the LLDPE and LDPE production and the crackers where the Low Hydro Carbons (LHC) are produced (Dow, 2020)[2]

Satellite view of DOW chemical plants at the Terneuzen site with the locations of the steam crackers (Large Hydrocarbons, ‘LHC’) and various chemicals produced[3].

Dow Terneuzen Manufacturing Site Block Flow Diagram[4].

With 16 factories, Dow Terneuzen is Dow’s second largest manufacturing location in the world[1]

Dow is present in Europe since 1955 and in The Netherlands since 1964, when it opened its first factory in Terneuzen. The industrial cluster in the province of Zeeland also houses other chemical companies, like Yara and Arkema, and good transport connections via land and water. Feedstocks arrive mainly by ship and, to lesser extent, by pipeline and rail, while products are exported from DOW by ship, pipeline, rail and road. Ethylene is transported via pipeline (ARG) to Germany and propylene via pipeline to Rotterdam. For what concerns polyethylene production, the site hosts a production line for LDPE, built between 1968 and 1975, and three production lines for LLDPE, built in 1980, 1986 and 2000[2],[3]


  1. DOW > DOW in Terneuzen. (accessed 7th Feb 2025). 
  2. A. Negri, T. Ligthart, 2nd February 2021, Decarbonisation options for the Dutch polyolefins industry, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency.
  3. Hans Eerens, Dick van Dam, 15th February 2022, Decarbonisation options for large volume organic chemicals production, Dow Terneuzen, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency.
  4. Dow Benelux B.V, 1st Oct 2021, Geanonimiseerd Wabo Toelichting Aanvraag Terneuzen 2030, Repository officiele overheidspublicaties.
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