
China Petrochemical Technology Company, Ltd.
- Technology (Show Technologies)
- 100029
/ Beijing - No. A6, Huixindong Str. Chaoyang Dist
China Petrochemical Technology Company, Ltd. (SINOPEC TECH) is a holding subsidiary of China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (SINOPEC) with main business of licensing to clients world-wide the refining and petrochemical technologies with proprietary technologies of SINOPEC, as well as technical services including engineering and consulting.
Entity Settings
- Category
- Technology Provider Entity
- Status
- A
- V
- P
- Lg
- Sh
- UoM
- Tons
- Currency
System Info
- Modified by
 Kokel, Nicolas
- Modified
- 11/3/2024 7:48 PM
- Added by
 Kokel, Nicolas
- Added
- 10/13/2024 7:16 AM