Technology |
Description of the Indian Oil Corporation (IOCL)'s Indmax FCC technology has been updated. |
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News |
Anqing will stop operating its 1.4mn t/yr fluid catalytic cracker (FCC) and 700,000 t/yr deep catalytic cracking unit, which are located near a residential area, for environmental reasons. The project will involve adding a new 3mn t/yr DCC that will enable the refinery to process crude with a higher sulphur content of 1.5pc. Anqing currently produces 30,000 t/yr of polypropylene, 100,000 t/yr of ethylbenzene and styrene and 210,000 t/yr of acrylonitrile, among other products. It will scale up output of these products through the upgrading project. |
Technology |
Sinopec DCC-pro (Resid-To-Chemical) technology description has been developed. |
Technology |
SINOPEC Deep Catalytic Cracking (DCC) description has been updated. |
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Operations |
Multiple technologies and productions have been added.
#gasoline #diesel #jetfuel #kerosene #hydrotreatment #adu #polypropylene #axens #mitsui #hypol #R2R #fcc #delayedcoker #sydec
Messages |
Product Technical |
The description of alkylates (iso-paraffines) made by the alkylation unit in the refinery and used as fuel blending components has been updated. #fuelblending #alkylationunit #isoparaffins #alkylates #alkylationunit #alkylunit #refinery #fcc |
Product Technical |
Description of Light Catalytic Naphtha (LCN) has been updated. |
Product Technical |
Description of Heavy Catalytic Naphtha (HCN) has been updated. |
Product Technical |
Description of catalytic naphtha (FCC gasoline) has been updated. |
Technology | |
Technology |