Operations |
The mass balance has been developed for the main processes, some downstream processes not yet covered. |
News |
News |
29th May 2024 | Successful Signing! Significant Achievements in the Southeast Asian Market The project is located in the CAIMEP Industrial Park in Ba Ria-Vung Tau Province, Vietnam. The main construction includes a 300 KTPA PDH unit, a 300 KTPA PP unit, utility facilities, as well as plant-wide systems and auxiliary production facilities involving design, procurement, construction, commissioning, and startup. 12th March 2019 | Plastics Manufacturer In Vietnam Taps Honeywell Technology To Produce Propylene Phu My Plastics Production JSC to become first in Vietnam to use Honeywell’s Oleflex™ propane dehydrogenation technology DES PLAINES, Ill., March 12, 2019 — Honeywell (NYSE: HON) announced today that Phu My Plastics Production JSC will use Honeywell UOP’s C3 Oleflex™ technology to produce polymer-grade propylene at its facility in Vietnam. The plant will help meet growing domestic demand for plastics in Vietnam and other countries in Southeast Asia. This is the first award for Honeywell’s propane dehydrogenation technology in Vietnam. Honeywell UOP will provide technology licensing for the Oleflex process, the process design package, proprietary and non-proprietary equipment, on-site operator training, technical services for startup and continuing operation, and proprietary catalysts and adsorbents.
21st May 2019 | Phu My Plastics Production JSC selects LyondellBasell’s Spheripol technology for its new 300 KTA polypropylene plant in Vietnam ROTTERDAM, the Netherlands, May 21, 2019 – LyondellBasell (NYSE: LYB) today announced that Phu My Plastics Production JSC. (PMP), has selected the Spheripol polypropylene process technology for a 300 KTA plant in Vietnam. |
News |
Operations |
PDH plant, technology and production have been added to Shandong Tianhong Chemical refinery.
#shandong #tianhong #petrochemical #refinery #pdh #oleflex #uop #propylene |
Technology |
Sinopec DCC-pro (Resid-To-Chemical) technology description has been developed. |
Technology |
Johnson Matthey JM LP Oxo SELECTOR technology has been added. However, technology details are missing and technology description needs to be updated. |
Operations |
AXENS News, 17th June 2009, retrieved via the Internet Archive from 3rd Nov 2011. Nghi Son Refinery & Petrochemical LLC (NSRP) has awarded Axens the basic engineering design contracts for some of the units of the new 200,000 barrel per day (bpd) refinery which is to be constructed in Thanh Hoa province located in the Northern part of Vietnam. R2R™ - Residue Fluidized catalytic cracking (RFCC) unit; Prime-D™ - Gas Oil desulfurization unit; Prime-K™ - Kerosene desulfurization unit. The refinery units will be provided with the latest advanced technologies making this one of the most modern refinery complexes in the world. The facility is scheduled and targeted to be operational in 2013. |
Messages |
News |
Operations |
Ethane and propane imports added, more production capacities added as well. |
Operations |
Production capacities for ethylene, propylene, LLDPE and styrene have been added. Corresponding technologies have -been identified.
#ethylene #propylene #styrene #lldpe |
Operations |
Shandong Binhua New Materials site created and project description added. #shandong #china #binhuanewmaterials #befargroup #MTBE #propyleneoxide |
Operations |
HPPO plant, propylene oxide production and imports of naphtha and hydrogen peroxide have been added. |
Technology |
Description of the HPPO process has been update. |
Operations |
Technology |
Benzene alkylation with crude ethylene technology from Changzou Ruihua Chemical Engineering has been added.
#alkylation #ethylbenzene #ethylene #benzene #changzou #china #ruihua #chemicalengineering #cumene #propylene |
Product Technical |
Descritption of cumene (isopropylbenzene) hs been updated.
#cumene #cumeneprocess #propylene #benzene #alkylation |
Product Technical |
Crude ethylene, a technical grade of ethylene with above 40% by weight of ethylene, has been added. |
Technology |
Description of the alkylation of aromatic compounds has been updated.
#benzene #cumene #ethylene #propylene #ethylbenzene #zeolite #alcl3 |
Operations |
Site created. |
Operations |
MTO process and productions have been added to site and thus mass balance initialized. |
Technology |
The UOP Advanced MTO Process has been added. |
Technology |
We are progressively adding Olefins Solution Polymerisation Processes to the database of processes and technologies. |
News |