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Polyolefin technologies, glycol process and their capacities have been identified. |
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Rotterdam, January 28, 2025 – LyondellBasell (LYB), the world's largest licensor of polyolefin technologies, today announced that Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. (IOCL) has selected its Hostalen Advanced Cascade Process (Hostalen ACP) technology for a new 500 kiloton per year (kta) high-density polyethylene (HDPE) facility in Paradip, India. The new HDPE plant will be integrated into IOCL's Paradip complex, one of India's largest integrated refinery-petrochemical complexes. Located on the eastern coast of India in the state of Odisha, the Paradip facility plays a strategic role in serving the growing polymer market in the Indian subcontinent. The complex, which includes a 15 million tonnes per year refinery, will benefit from the addition of this state-of-the-art HDPE unit to its existing petrochemical operations. |
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HOUSTON, June 20, 2024 -- Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. ("BPCL") has selected Univation's UNIPOL™ PE Process Technology for two world-scale production lines to be located at BPCL's Bina Refinery site in Madhya Pradesh, India, Univation reports. The process designs for the two BPCL's reactor lines are engineered with full production back-fill capabilities to maximize manufacturing flexibility, increase PE resin supply continuity, and enable enhanced responsiveness to emerging marketplace needs. The two BPCL reactor lines will enable production of both high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) products allowing BPCL to meet their customer demands across a wide range of PE applications essential for Indian markets. |
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Description of the Indian Oil Corporation (IOCL)'s Indmax FCC technology has been updated. |
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The description of the IOCL Paradid Refinery has been updated. |
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Four Unipol PP Plants with a cumulative capacity of 1 million tons have been added to the Hazira and Jamnagar 1 (J1 DTA) production sites according to this ROYAL MARKETING communication putatively dated from 2014: Reliance Industries Limited commissioned its first PP plant with a capacity of 350 KTA in Oct'96 at Hazira Petrochemical Complex. This was followed by the commissioning of two lines of 200 KTA each at it's Jamnagar Petrochemical Complex in April/May'99. The third line at Jamnagar of 200 KTA was commissioned in Dec'99. Reliance has adopted the world acclaimed Unipol Process of Union Carbide (now merged with Dow Chemical) for manufacturing PP at all its sites. Unipol process combines the production efficiency of gas phase fluidized bed reactor technology with the high activity and stereospecificity of the SHAC catalyst system. The two production sites offer a wide range of Homopolymer, Random and Impact copolymer grades. These can cater to the entire spectrum of Extrusion, Injection & Blow molding processes.
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Indian state oil refineries are negotiating with Russian "Rosneft" for oil supplies of about 500,000 barrels per day, reports Bloomberg. These negotiations involve long-term contracts, whereas currently, India primarily purchases Russian oil on the spot, i.e., immediate market. In January, oil deliveries from Russia fell by 4-9% compared to December, down to 1.2-1.3 million barrels per day. |
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Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that India is poised to invest approximately $67 billion in the development of its oil and gas industry in the upcoming years. Modi stated that the aim is to elevate the share of natural gas in the energy mix from 6% to 15%. He highlighted the necessity of this investment, estimating it will be executed over the next 5-6 years. |