Pertamina Main Holding
Integrated Energy
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur !A

In Refinery sector, Pertamina carries out business activities in the country which include refinery and petrochemical refinery management. To fulfill the demand for domestic fuel, Pertamina must be able to ensure that its refinery units’ production can run optimally.

Pertamina owns 6 Refinery Units (RU) with total capacity reached 1.046,70 thousand barrels. Some of the RU such as RU-III Plaju and RU-IV Cilacap are integrated with petrochemical refinery which produce products like Purified Terapthalic Acid (PTA) dan Paraxylene.

In 2018, Pertamina conducted domestic crude refining optimization. This was intended to reduce the processing of imported crude at refineries, in accordance with government directives through the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministerial Regulation No. 42 Year 2018 on Priority to Utilization of Crude Oil for Fulfillment of Domestic Demand.

To overcome limited availability of imported super heavy crude at refineries due to high sulfur content (the sour crude oil type), the Company has upgraded refinery materials to increase the sour crude processing flexibility. The refinery material upgrade is executed in stages, started in 2018 at RU-VI Balongan and then continued in 2019 at RU-V Balikpapan and RU-IV Cilacap.

So far, most of Fuel Oil and Fuel Gas Refineries consumes fuel gas and fuel oil resulted from crude processing at the refineries. As part of the efficiency in the use of the refinery fuel oil and fuel gas, Pertamina has been collaborating with PT PLN to outsource electric power of 30 MW from PLN to RU IV Cilacap.

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UserPic  Kokel, Nicolas
2/1/2025 11:22 AM
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UserPic  Braun (Sysadmin), Uwe
3/30/2022 12:34 PM



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