UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/12/24 06:34 PM

Elessent STRATCO Alkylation description has been updated.


#elessent #dupont  #stratco  #alkylation  #alkylate  #motorfuel  #aviationgasoline 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/13 03:15 PM

Alkylation unit based on Chevron's ISOALKY process, with its production capacity, has been added to SDalt Lake City refinery.


#chevron #isoalky  #alkylation  #alkylate  #gasoline  #fuelblending  #uop  #saltlakecity 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/11 08:30 PM

All Ionikylation plants, excepted the first one from Deyang Chemical Co. Ltd that could not be spotted, have been mapped. Three plants each are in operation at Petrochina and Sinopec.

#sinopec  #petrochina  #cnpc  #alkylation  #alkylates 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/11 06:57 PM

Petrochina Gomud refinery has been added and mass balance initialized.

#petrochina #godmud  # qinghqi #china  #crudeoil  #alkylation  #alkylate  #ionikylation 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/11 07:28 AM

ADU, crude imports and ionikylation alkylation process added.

#crudeoil #oilimport  #processingcapacity  #china  #harbin  #petrochina  #alkylation  #adu  #cdu  #alkylate 


UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/10 09:10 PM

Ionikylation technology has been added and described in details. Existing commercial unit are being added to the corresponding sites.


#wellresources #chinauniversityofpetroleum  #china  #alkylation   #alkylates  #ionikylation  #sinopec  #petrochina 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/10 09:06 PM

Alkylation unit and production capacity have been added to Sinopec-SK Wuhan (formerly Sinopec Wuhan) refinery.

#alkylation  #alkylate  #ionikylation  


UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/10 08:54 PM

Alkylation unit and polypropylene plant have been added as well as their production capacities. 


#alkylate #polypropylene  #sinopecst  #ionikylation  #alkylation  #gasphase 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/10 08:36 PM

Alkylation unit and alkylate production have been added.


#alkylate #alkylation  #ionikylation  #ionicliquids  

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/09 04:54 PM

The description of alkylates (iso-paraffines) made by the alkylation unit in the refinery and used as fuel blending components has been updated. 

#fuelblending #alkylationunit  #isoparaffins  #alkylates  #alkylationunit  #alkylunit  #refinery  #fcc