UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2025/01/28 09:32 AM

Many technologies have been identified and added:

🔹Axen's aromatic complex
🔹Sinopc's DCC and DCC-Plus
🔹Linde's steam cracking
🔹Lummus / UOP's EBOne Ethylbenzene (to be confirmed)
🔹Lummus / UOP's "Classic" Styrene Monomer
🔹 LyondellBasell's Hostalen HDPE
🔹 Lummus' Novolen PP
🔹Axens' Hyvahl
🔹KBR's ROSE (to be confirmed)

Some assumptions haven been made based on technologies reported in 2009. .

There is a lack of reported information details about what happens between the ADUs and the two FCC plants, the technologies employed in the Lube plant (which also has at least one VDU) and the fuel blending plant making 7 million tonnes of the total 10.5 million tonnes of crude oil processing capacity .

The mass balance is also not matching as far as feedstock going into the FCCs is concerned. In case of the aromatics plant, this is a suite of many technologies, with reforming, alkylation, separation, etc but no details are available excepted it is known to be from Axens (formerly HRI).

There is double counting of polypropylene capacity with PP fed into a PP compounding plant (JPP's technology).

#axens  #sinopec  #linde  #lummus  #uop  #lyondellbasell  #kbr  #jpp 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/18 07:40 PM

Multiple technologies and productions have been added.


#gasoline #diesel  #jetfuel  #kerosene  #hydrotreatment  #adu  #polypropylene  #axens  #mitsui  #hypol  #R2R  #fcc #delayedcoker  #sydec 



UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/18 07:28 PM

Axens Prime-K technology for hydrotreating kerosene into Jet A1 has been added.

#axens  #primek  #kerosene  #jetfuel  #jeta1  #hydrotreating  #hydrotreatment  #hydroprocessing 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/18 02:08 PM

Axens Prime-D technology for diesel hydrotreatment has been added.


#axens #hydrotreating  #desulfurization  #diesel  #middledistillate  #primed 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/18 12:51 PM

AXENS News, 17th June 2009, retrieved via the Internet Archive from 3rd Nov 2011.

Nghi Son Refinery & Petrochemical LLC (NSRP) has awarded Axens the basic engineering design contracts for some of the units of the new 200,000 barrel per day (bpd) refinery which is to be constructed in Thanh Hoa province located in the Northern part of Vietnam.
Axens will supply the following process technologies for the refinery:

R2R™ - Residue Fluidized catalytic cracking (RFCC) unit;

Prime-D™ - Gas Oil desulfurization unit;

Prime-K™ - Kerosene desulfurization unit.

The refinery units will be provided with the latest advanced technologies making this one of the most modern refinery complexes in the world. The facility is scheduled and targeted to be operational in 2013.

The RFCC unit will incorporate advanced features to efficiently crack residue feed to maximize gasoline and propylene production. Polymer-grade propylene will be supplied to a downstream polypropylene unit. Axens’ RFCC is part of the FCC Technology Alliance between Axens, Shaw, Total and IFP.

Axens is a leading provider of clean fuels solutions. Axens’ desulfurization technologies are the benchmark for ultra-low sulfur middle distillate production. Both desulfurization units will employ the latest high activity hydrotreating catalysts and high performance reactor internals.

R2R, Prime-D, Prime-K are proprietary commercial names of Axens.

Nghi Son Refinery & Petrochemical LLC
Nghi Son Refinery and Petrochemical Limited Liability Company (NSRP) is a Joint Venture Company formed by Vietnam Oil and Gas Group, Vietnam; Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd, Japan; Kuwait Petroleum Europe B.V., Netherlands and Mitsui Chemicals, Inc., Japan.

#axens  #rfcc  #nsrp  #vietnam  #gasoline  #propylene  #gasoil  #kerosene  #desulfurization