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/ Sinopec Research Institute of Petroleum Processing Co., Ltd.
DCC-pro (RTC)™
Fluid Catalytic Cracking

Technology optimized for propylene production

DCC-Pro (RTC)™ is based on DCC Technology (Fig.1), optimized for conversion of residue as the feed to produce propylene.

Figure 1 - DCC Platform

Reactor design innovation

DCC-pro (RTC) makes use of a new reactor design (Fig. 2) with:

  • Higher catalyst concentration improving catalyst and oil molecular contact.
  • Constant gas phase velocity (v), strenghthening diffusion and mass transfer, achieving stable fluidization state in the whole reactor.
  • Uniform reaction temperature (T) with ΔT < 8°C across the reactor allowing for controlling thermal cracking reactions into H2/CH4 and increasing catalytic cracking reactions into propylene.

Figure 2 - DCC-pro reactor (left) vs. DCC reactor (right)


Optimized process yields

Table 1 presents the outcome of a DCC case study by revamping a DCC-1 plant with a capacity of 650,000 tonnes per year into a DCC-pro plant with a feed diet consisting in 50% hydrotreated resid and 50% hydrotreated vacuum gasoil

Table 1 - DCC Pro case study: Capacity *

Items DCC-I DCC-pro
Product (wt%) Before revamp After revamp
Off-gas Base -0.23
Ethylene Base +0.49
LPG (C3/C4) Base +3.68
Gasoline Base -1.93
LCO Base -0.89
Slurry Base -0.52
Coke Base -0.56
Propylene Yield (%) Base +2.56
C3=/LPG (%) Base +2.67

*For each tonne of chemicals (Ethylene+Propylene),
CO2 emissions are reduced by 19.98%

DCC-pro advantages

DCC-pro presents the following advantages:

  • Higher ethylene & propylene yields,
  • Higher ethylene & propylene concentration in the product gas,
  • Lower coke yield and good selectivity,
  • Lower off-gas (H2, CH4) yield,
  • Lower CO2 emission from coke and methane burning,
  • Improved gasoline properties (increased RON & aromatics, lower olefins

Commercial Experience

DCC-pro is designed by SEI, and licensed by RIPP.


  1. Jinquan Zhu, Shi Shou, 16th Aug 2021, DCC Technology, Fluid Catalytic Cracking Technology Department, SINOPEC RIPP. 
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UserPic  Kokel, Nicolas
12/7/2024 5:37 PM
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UserPic  Kokel, Nicolas
11/30/2022 10:59 AM



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SINOPEC Anqing Anqing PetChem DCCU