UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2025/01/01 10:12 AM

Methyl mercaptan (methanethiol) has been added.

#methanethiol  #methylmercaptan 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/10/24 07:57 AM

Crude ethylene, a technical grade of ethylene with above 40% by weight of ethylene, has been added.

#ethylene  #impurities  #methane  #ethane  #carbonmonoxide  #propene  #propylene  #nitrogen 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2023/02/12 04:13 AM

The Fuel Gas produced by the Steam Cracker is Hydrogen-rich (84 vol% #hydrogen , 15 vol% #Methane, <1 vol% other) separated from the Components with two Carbon Atoms is sent to the Furnaces and Steam boilers to power the Steam-Cracker. As it is a low Carbon Fuel the level of Carbon Emissions are comparatively reduced. CO2 Emissions are now captured in the Mass Balance Model.