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- Name
- Axens H-Oil
- Owner
/ Axens SA - Brand
- H-Oil®
- Process
- Cracking
- Type
- Resid Hydrocracking
- Available
Featuring the original Ebullated-Bed Design, H-Oil® aims at Metals, Sulfur, Nitrogen, Asphaltenes and Conradson Carbon Residue (CCR) Reduction of difficult Feeds such as Vacuum Resid while maximizing Middle-Distillate Production.
Operating H-Oil® Units have been designed to Process a wide variety of Feedstocks: Atmospheric Residues, Vacuum Residues, and also Refractory Oils such as Heavy Deasphalted Oils (DAOs), Straight-Run Vacuum Gas Oils (VGOs), Heavy Coker Gas Oil (HCGO) or Coal-Derived Oils such as Coal Slurries (Direct Coal Liquefaction, DCL), are all potential H-Oil® Feeds.
However, regardless of the Feed, the core principle remains the same. In the H-Oil® Reactor, Liquid Feed, Hydrogen and Catalyst Particles are back-mixed. Ebullation of the Catalyst Bed eliminates Plugging, Channeling, High Pressure Drop as well as Uneven Temperature Distribution inevitably encountered in Fixed-Bed
Technologies.Stable and continuous Catalytic Activity is also permitted through Fresh Catalyst Daily Addition, thus avoiding time-consuming Catalyst Renewal Operations. Ebullation of the Bed is enabled by Liquid Recirculation, more effective than Gas-Promoted Ebullation and leading to Smaller Reactor Size.
- Link
System Info
- Updated by
 Kokel, Nicolas
- Updated
- 12/30/2022 11:06 AM
- Added by
 Kokel, Nicolas
- Added
- 11/15/2022 7:31 PM

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