UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/14 08:43 PM

The definition of motor gasoline has been improved.

#motorgazoline  #gasoline  #blending  #blendstock  #fuelblending  #gasolineblending  #octanenumber  #ron  #rvp   

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
Fuel Blending
2024/11/14 04:28 PM

Fuel Blending has bee added as a refinery process to produce various types of fuels and a generic fuel blending technology created for modeling fuel blending assets.

#fuelblending  #blendingstock  #gasolineblending  #diesel  #gasoline  #kerosene  #luboils  #naphthablending  #fueloil  #baseoils 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/13 03:15 PM

Alkylation unit based on Chevron's ISOALKY process, with its production capacity, has been added to SDalt Lake City refinery.


#chevron #isoalky  #alkylation  #alkylate  #gasoline  #fuelblending  #uop  #saltlakecity 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/13 02:55 PM

The Chevron ISOALKY process licensed by UOP has been added. 

#alkylation  #alkylatye  #gasoline  #fuelblending  "ionicliquid #isoalky 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/09 04:54 PM

The description of alkylates (iso-paraffines) made by the alkylation unit in the refinery and used as fuel blending components has been updated. 

#fuelblending #alkylationunit  #isoparaffins  #alkylates  #alkylationunit  #alkylunit  #refinery  #fcc