UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/29 09:39 AM

Guangxi Huayi Energy Chemical Co., Ltd. and Gas Island Project in Qinzhou have been added.

#guangxi  #shanghai  #china  #huayi  #energychemical  #gasislandproject  # coal #coalgasification  #methanol  #ethyleneglycol  #meg  #aceticacid  #coaltochemicals  #coaltomethanol  #coaltoolefins 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/24 07:56 PM

Shenmu Fuyou Energy Technology Co., Ltd. and production site in Yulin City, Shaanxi Province, have been added. It is a coal to chemical producer and a subsidiary of Shaanxi Coal Group.

#fuyoutechnology  #shaanxi  #yulin  #china  #coaltochemical  #pyrolysis  #coaltar  #shaanxicoalgroup 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/24 08:25 AM

The product sutructure of the ZPC Zhoushan refining and chemical operations has been updated. 

#zpc  #zpcc  #zpczhoushan  #zheijiang  #zheijiangpetrochemical  #zheijiangpetroleumandchemicals  #zhoushan  #china  #rongsheng  #aramco  #saudiaramco  #crudeoil  #coaltochemical 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/20 02:03 PM

Shaanxi Yulin Energy Group Co., Ltd. has been added.

#shaanxi #yulin  #yulinenergygroup  #china  #coal  #coaltochemical 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/20 01:14 PM

Shaanxi Yulin Energy Chemical New Materials Co., Ltd. and manufacturing site created. Project is co-located with Yulin Energy Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd.

Coal-to-chemical site is in a project phase.

#shaanxi  #yulinenergy  #newmaterials  #coaltochemical  #epoxyresin  #chloralkali

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/20 01:03 PM

Shaanxi Coal Group Yulin Chemical and the two-phases of the coal-to-chemical projects in Shenmu have been added.

#shaanicoalgroup  #yulinchemical  #coaltochemical  #coaltoolefins  #coaltoaromatics  #china 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/19 09:22 PM

Yulin Energy Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd. and manufacturing site created. Details about actual activities of the site are not clear.

Project is co-located with Shaanxi Yulin Energy Chemical New Materials Co., Ltd.

#yulinenergy  #china  #shaanxi  #coaltochemical  #finechemicals