
Sasol Italy S.p.A.
- Chemicals
/ Milan - Viale E. Forlanini
- 20134
Sasol is an international integrated chemicals and energy company that leverages technologies and the expertise of our 31 270 people working in 32 countries. We develop and commercialise technologies, and build and operate world-scale facilities to produce a range of high-value product stream, including liquid fuels, chemicals and low-carbon electricity. In Italy, Sasol is present with three plants, in Augusta (Syracuse), in Terranova dei Passerini (Lodi) and Sarroch (Cagliari) and one headquarter in Milan. Sasol Italy employs 632 people and has a turnover of around 1.2 billion euros. The Italian plants mainly produce chemical intermediate products and raw materials whose main applications are in detergency (laundry detergents and household cleaning products), Personal Care (shower gel, shampoo, perfumes, face and body creams) and other industrial sectors such as lubricants, paints, solvents and jet fuel.
Entity Settings
- Category
- Operations Entity
- Status
- A
- V
- P
- Lg
- Sh
System Info
- Added by
 Braun, Uwe
- Added
- 10/20/2022 11:00 AM

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  Sites Quick Access
Site | Location | Country |
Sasol Augusta | Augusta |
Sasol Sarroch | Sarroch |
Sasol Terranova | Sasol Terranova dei Passerini |
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Interests Map | View the Operations, Shareholding, and Subsidiaries of this Entity |