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ExxonMobil Tubular LDPE Process
/ ExxonMobil Chemical Ltd
ExxonMobil Tubular LDPE Process
Polyethylene processes
High-Pressure Polymerization of Ethylene

The ExxonMobil Autoclave technology also exists with a Tubular Tail connected to the primary autoclave reactor. Therefore, a Tubular Tail unit is available in the list of units when such a Tubular Tail technology is designed.

Characteristics of the ExxonMobil high-pressure polymerisation of ethylene processes are:

  • The tubular reactors operate at pressure up to 3,000 bar, whereas Autoclave reactor operates below 2,000 bar.
  • MI range: 0.2 – 150
  • Density range: 0.912 – 0.935
  • Reactor turn down ratio: 50%
  • Short residence times
  • Reactor conversation up to 40%
  • Ability to switch from homo-polymers to copolymers
  • Product from the tubular process is typically higher in molecular weight and has more short chain branches than LDPE from the autoclave process .
  • Produce LDPE homo-polymers and ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) copolymers

Source: Echem Enppi, Apr 2013, Polyethylene Production Technologies, via the Internet Archive.

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Updated by
UserPic  Kokel, Nicolas
6/6/2024 3:24 PM
Added by
UserPic  Kokel, Nicolas
6/6/2024 2:39 PM



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ExxonMobil Tubular Reactor Simplified PFD https://web.archive.org/web/20191112232009/http://apet-eg.com/PDF/ECHEM_ENPPI.pdf
ExxonMobil Tubular Reactor Simplified PFD https://web.archive.org/web/20191112232009/http://apet-eg.com/PDF/ECHEM_ENPPI.pdf
Entity Site (Country) Asset (Plant)
IPC Jubail IPC Jubail LDPE Plant
KEMYA Kemya Jubail LDPE Plant
LIP JV LIP Lake Charles LDPE Plant