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Technology Entity
Generic Stationary Liquid Tank Storage
/ Undefined Technology Provider
Generic Stationary Liquid Tank Storage
Chemical Storage
Liquid Storage

The purpose of these Assets is the safe movement of Liquid Chemicals, Fuels and Crude Oil to connect Supply and Demand by Building and Operating Critical Infrastructure.

In case of Crude Oil, it is referred to as a Tank Farm or Oil Terminal, which is a collection of Large Storage Tanks of Crude Oil and/or Condensate and from which these Products are transported to end users or other Storage Facilities. An Oil Terminal typically has a variety of above or below ground Tankage; Facilities for Inter-Tank Transfer; Pumping Facilities; Loading Gantries for filling Road Tankers or Barges; Ship Loading/Unloading Equipment at Marine Terminals; and Pipeline Connections. To be considered a tank farm, the facility should have a Storage Capacity greater than 300,000 Barrels

In case of Refined Petroleum Products, it is called a Product Terminal or Bulk Terminal that is located Downstream of an Oil Refinery. It may be
located immediately adjacent to the Refinery or it may be distant from the Refinery but connected by a Pipeline.

1. Victory Hill Capital Partners LLP, Liquid Storage Assets in the US on Youtube

2. Wikipedia, Oil Terminal

System Info

Updated by
UserPic  Kokel, Nicolas
1/2/2025 10:14 AM
Added by
UserPic  Kokel, Nicolas
10/28/2022 7:45 AM



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Victory Hill Capital Partners LLP https://youtu.be/89h4D7QrUoE Liquid Storage Assets in the US
Title Date
UserPic Liquid Tank Storage created 11/22/2022
Entity Site (Country) Asset (Plant)
ADNOC Refining Ruwais Refinery East Feedstock Import
ADNOC Refining Ruwais Refinery East Products Terminal
ADNOC Refining Ruwais Refinery East Tank Farm
ADNOC Refining Ruwais Refinery West Buffer Tanks
ADNOC Refining Ruwais Refinery West Tank Farm
ADP Borouge 1 Ethylene Storage
ADP Borouge 3 / PP5 Tank Farm
BP Geselkirschen Horst Refinery Feedstock Import
Changyi Petrochem. Changyi Refinery Feedstock Imports
CNPC Guangdong CNPC Guandong Crude Oil Import
Dagang Petrochemical Dagang Petrochemical Crude Import
Dongguan Juzhengyuan Dongguan Juzhengyuan Propane Import
DOW Benelux DOW Terneuzen Feedstock Imports
EuroEnergy EE Multan Crude Oil Storage
EuroEnergy Testing UB Crude Pipeline
FPCC FPCC Mailiao Buffer Storage Tanks
GAIL GAIL PATA Monomer Storage
GS Caltex Yeosu Plant PP Buffer
Hengyi Industries Hengyi Refinery Import Terminal
Hongrun Oil Storage Binhai Oil Storage Crude Oil Storage
Hongrun Petrochem. Hongrun Binhai Feedstock Import
Hongrun Petrochem. Hongrun Qingzhou Crude Oil Import
INEOS Olefins BE NV Ineos Project One Ethane Import
IOCL Panipat Refinery Propylene Buffer
IRPC IRPC Refinery Ethylene Buffer
IRPC IRPC Refinery Liquid Buffer Tanks
IRPC IRPC Refinery Feedstock Imports
JGSOC JGSOC Batangas Naphtha Import
Jilin Petrochemical Jilin Petrochemicals Ethylene Buffer
KEMYA Kemya Jubail Ethylene Storage
Ningbo Huatai Huatai Ningbo Gas Terminal
Qatofin Qatofin Plant Ethylene Storage
Sadara Sadara Monomers Import
Safripol PTY Ltd. Safripol Sasolburg Feedstock import
Safripol PTY Ltd. Safripol Sasolburg Propene Feedstock
SAR Dakar Refinery Tank Farm
Saudi Aramco Ras Tanura Tank Farm
S-Oil S-Oil Shaheen Feedstock Imports
Sonatrach Algeria RA1Z Refinery Feedstock Imports
Sonatrach Algeria RHMD2 Refinery Feedstock Import
Sonatrach Algeria RHMD2 Refinery Tank Farm
Sonatrach Algeria RA1G Refinery Feedstock Import
Sonatrach Algeria RA1G Refinery ADU
Sonatrach Algeria RA2K Refinery Feedstock Import
Sonatrach Algeria RA1K Refinery Feedstock Import
Taiyo Oil Shikoku Refinery Feedstock Imports
Tianhong Petrochem Tianhong Refinery Crude Oil Import
TKOC TKOC Shuaiba Ethylene Storage
Total USA Total Port Arthur Crude Oil Storage
ZPC ZPC Zhoushan Feedstock Import