
Service Description

Exclusive Service by ppPLUS Expert

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Category and Summary

Service ID Category Sub-Category
Polymer, business, product quality, differentiation
With over 16 years of experience in Petrochemical and Polymer R&D, business and manufacturing across the world working with top corporates, we provide consulting services to polymer manufacturers to enhance their profitability by business analysis and optimization solutions.


  1. Deliver insights on market performance for different polymer industries in Asia pacific, great China, Middle east and Africa regions.
  2. Provide consulting services for product differentiation based on market demand and market forecast, to enhance profitability.
  3. Provide optimization solutions for polymer plants to enhance energy intensity, water consumption, material effectiveness (waste reduction).
  4. provide consulting services for product quality enhancement, increase products competitiveness.


500.00   USD
Comment Value
pricing based on long term /short term contract
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