UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/11/13 05:12 AM


Hi Gyula,

I saw the news you posted on Blue Hydrogen.
It appears only on top of page 6 in a Google search.

We generally are very well referenced on Google and news or articles we post typically appear as one of the first search results within hours of posting.

The trick here is to add some formating (like bold), hyperlinks to products, technologies, companies (e.g. KBR), insert an image in the communication, add some hashtags...

#blueammonia  #bluehydrogen  #kbr  #shell 

Thank you for your contribution.

Best regards,

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2024/07/11 04:34 AM

A completed LNG heat exchanger manufactured at Air Products' Port Manatee facility is being loaded on a carrier at the Port of Manatee for shipment to the customer.

On 10 July 2024, Honeywell and Air Products jointly announced today that Honeywell has agreed to acquire Air Products’ liquefied natural gas (LNG) process technology and equipment business for $1.81 billion in an all-cash transaction. This represents approximately 13x estimated 2024 EBITDA.

Air Products’ LNG Business has approximately 475 employees with headquarters in Allentown, Pennsylvania and a 390,000-square-foot manufacturing facility in Port Manatee, Florida, where all sizes of CWHEs are made.

Currently, Honeywell provides a pre-treatment solution serving LNG customers globally. Air Products’ complementary LNG process technology and equipment business consists of a comprehensive portfolio, including in-house design and manufacturing of coil-wound heat exchangers (CWHE) and related equipment. CWHEs provide the highest throughput of natural gas in a single exchanger with a small footprint and robust, reliable and safe operations both onshore and offshore.

Air Products continues to focus on its two-pillar strategy to grow and invest in its industrial gas business and drive the energy transition through clean hydrogen at scale.

#lng  #hydrogen  #greenhydrogen  #bluehydrogen  #liquifaction  #naturalgas  #airproducts  #honeywell 

UserPic Kokel, Nicolas
2023/08/27 07:42 PM

'World's largest' blue hydrogen-based ammonia project shelved due to increased costs and lack of market

Fertiliser giant Nutrien has put the plant in Geismar, Louisiana, on hold after announcing it only last year

Polly Martin, 11th Aug 2023

Continue reading on Hydrogeninsight

#hydrogen  #bluehydrogen  #nitrogen  #fertiliser  #ammonia