🇩🇪 German trade union expresses concerns over Inclusion of all HC in CO2 emissions trading system
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- Carbon Dioxide
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The European Parliament and EU countries reached an agreement last year to implement an EU CO2 levy covering gasoline, diesel, natural gas, heating oil, and other hydrocarbons. With current CO2 emission prices at €45 per ton, this agreement is poised to result in an approximate surcharge of 10 cents per liter of gasoline or diesel fuel. However, experts foresee a significant escalation in emission prices to €100-300 per ton of CO2.
Yasmin Fahimi, president of the Confederation of German Trade Unions (DGB), has expressed deep concerns regarding the extension of emissions trading to encompass all hydrocarbons, citing potential irreparable impacts on industrial competitiveness.
Fahimi emphasized the need for reconsideration, stating, "Such decisions are not irrevocable. It is urgent to discuss once more the ramifications for economic and industrial policy stemming from this CO2 emissions pathway."
Notably, concerns about the repercussions of increased gas station prices have also been acknowledged within the Green Party. The removal of diesel subsidies for agriculture could exacerbate their vulnerability to financial strain, potentially leading to immediate bankruptcies.
#diesel #gasoline #carboncredits #carbonemissions #germany