Technology Unit
- Fractionating Tower
- ExxonMobil Solution Process
- Short Name
- Fractionating Tower (36)
- Description
The vapor from vessel (26) is routed to the reflux drum (39) of tower (36). Partly it is processed to recover valuable components, principally volatile monomers such as ethylene and propylene, by fractionating tower (36) and its overhead vapor compression/condensation system for recycling through conduit (43) to the inlet side of the drier (32).
The evaporated solvent and monomer phase is passed through conduit (35) in a vapor phase to the purification tower (36) operating by distillation to separate a
light fraction of the highly volatile solvent and unreacted ethylene and propylene on the one hand and heavier less volatile components such as hexane and any
toluene used to dissolve catalyst or activator and unreacted diene type comonomers on the other hand. - Link
System Info
- Updated by
 Kokel, Nicolas
- Updated
- 5/28/2023 2:53 AM
- Added
- 5/28/2023 2:48 AM