Technology Unit
- First Stage Gasoline Hydrogenation Unit
- Axens C5+ Pygas Hydrogenation
- Short Name
- GHU-1
- Description
- The First Stage of the Gasoline Hydrogenation Unit (GHU-1) involves the Selective Hydrogenation of Diolefins and Styrenics. Efficiency of the Conversion in this stage is essential for the downstream Unit’s operation. The First Stage Process aims to improve the stability of the Raw Pyrolysis Gasoline by Selectively Hydrogenating the Diolefins and Alkenyl Compounds, making it suitable for further processing in a Second Stage. The Reaction is carried out mainly in the liquid phase, on a specific Catalyst in a Fixed Bed Reactor. The operating conditions are selected to maximize the Conversion of Diolefins and Alkenyl-Aromatics, while minimizing the formation of Heavy Products by Polymerization, preventing any Aromatics loss. In this stage, Palladium or Nickel-based Catalysts are used depending on the site-specific constraints among which the Feedstock characteristics, the Product specifications, the Unit characteristics and the operating conditions.
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System Info
- Updated by
 Kokel, Nicolas
- Added
- 2/7/2022 4:59 AM