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/ Chevron Lummus Global - Brand
- Process
- Cracking
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- Resid Hydrocracking
- Available
The LC-FINING Process hydrocracks Heavy Vacuum Residue Feeds to Lighter Distillates while simultaneously removing Sulfur, Nitrogen, Micro-Carbon Residue (MCRT), and Metals Containing Species. The catalyst in an Ebullated Bed Reactor is expanded approximately 40% above its Settled Bed Level by Recirculating Oil collected at the Top of the Reactor via a Reactor Ebullating Pump. The Recirculated Oil is separated from the Reactor Effluent Vapor by means of a Recycle Disengagement Pan. The Oil then flows through a Downcomer Pipe to the Ebullating Pump which discharges it into the Bottom Plenum of the Reactor, where it mixes with the Incoming Reactor Feed Oil and Hydrogen. The Mixture then flows up through the Primary Distribution Grid expanding the Catalyst Bed. Due to the high degree of Back Mixing that exists, the Reactor essentially operates at isothermal conditions with only a slight axial temperature gradient. In addition, by expanding the Catalyst Bed, Catalyst can be added and withdrawn on-stream allowing the Unit to operate for extended periods between turnarounds.[1]
1. M. Baldassari et al., AFPM Annual Meeting Mar 2012, AM-12-73, LC‐MAX and Other LC‐FINING Process Enhancements to Extend Conversion and On‐Stream Factor
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System Info
- Updated by
 Kokel, Nicolas
- Updated
- 3/15/2025 6:41 PM
- Added by
 Kokel, Nicolas
- Added
- 11/19/2022 9:03 AM

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