Greenergy SAF Plant
Greenergy International Ltd
Refining and Chemicals Operations
/ London
198 High Holborn

Greenergy are Europe’s largest manufacturer of waste-based biodiesel and the UK's only national fuel supplier with more than 25 supply locations Greenergy is to enter the Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) market through two new plants planned on its existing Teesside biofuel manufacturing facility Teesside. The company has submitted a planning application for two renewable fuel plants located at the same complex. The SAF plant will be the UK’s first plant creating SAF from waste oils and the other for the advanced biofuels production from end-of-life tyres project, GTT. The SAF plant will leverage Greenergy’s extensive experience in sustainably sourcing waste oils and feedstock and producing advanced biofuels. Using existing technologies, waste oils will be manufactured into sustainable aviation fuel, reducing aviation emissions by up to 80%. The second project planned for the site will convert end-of-life tyres into recovered carbon black and low carbon road and marine transport fuels. Subject to the successful planning approval process, construction of the plant will begin in 2025 and commercial production will commence in 2027.

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UserPic  Braun, Uwe
1/25/2024 12:52 PM



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