BP Castellon Refinery
BP Oil Refineria de Castellon SAU
Refining and Chemicals Operations
Pol Industrial El Serrallo
The refinery, which focuses its activity on the refining and marketing of finished petroleum products, is the first supplier for the Valencian Community and the Balearic Islands and the largest entry point for petroleum products in the region. The Castellón Refinery is the only refinery in the Valencian Community. Since its launch in 1967, it has become the main engine of the only heavy industry polygon in Castellón and an important driver of the province's economy. Construction of the current refinery began in 1965 and operation of the units began two years later with a treatment capacity of 3 million tons per year. This capacity was doubled thanks to major expansion projects undertaken in 1972 and 1980, which have made it possible to reach the current values of 6 million tonnes per year. At the end of 1974 the company, known until then as Esso Petróleos Españoles. In 1991, the multinational BP became the main shareholder of Petromed and was renamed BP Oil Espana S.A.
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