Segment Main-Family Description
Animal and Vegetal Products Animals Animals from Farming, Fishing, Hunting.
Animal and Vegetal Products Biogenic Hydrocarbon Compounds A Biogenic Hydrocarbon Compound is a Molecule consisting of Carbon (C) and Hydrogen (H) Atoms biosynthesized by Living Organisms such as Plant Alkanes and Terpenes.
Animal and Vegetal Products Carbohydrates A Carbohydrate is a Biomolecule consisting of Carbon (C), Hydrogen (H) and Oxygen (O) Atoms. The Term is most common in Biochemistry, where it is a synonym of Saccharide, a group that includes Sugars, Starch, and Cellulose.
Animal and Vegetal Products Forestry Products Trees and Forestry Products.
Animal and Vegetal Products Fruits and Vegetables Fruits and Vegetable Products
Animal and Vegetal Products Lipids In the biological world, Lipids are any of a diverse group of Organic Compounds including Fats, Oils, Hormones, and certain Components of Membranes that are grouped together because they do not interact appreciably with Water.
Animal and Vegetal Products Nuts and Seeds Nuts, Seeds and Cereals
Animal and Vegetal Products Proteins Proteins are large Biomolecules and Macromolecules that comprise one or more Long Chains of Amino Acid Residues.
Chemicals Agrochemicals Agrochemical products
Chemicals Alkanes An alkane is defined as a compound consisting of carbon and hydrogen atoms bonded together by single carbon-carbon and carbon-hydrogen bonds.
Chemicals Alkynes An alkyne is an unsaturated hydrocarbon containing at least one carbon—carbon triple bond.
Chemicals Aromatics Hydrocarbons with at least one aromatic ring
Chemicals Chemical Elements Chemicals compounds constituted of one single chemical element.
Chemicals Functional Organic Products Organic compounds with hetero-atomic (N, O, S, Cl, etc.) functional groups
Chemicals Inorganics Inorganic compounds are chmical compounds that comprise no C-H bonds
Chemicals Polymers Polymeric materials
Chemicals Rubbers & Elastomers Synthetic rubbers & elastomers
Chemicals Specialty Chemicals Specialty chemicals are particular chemical products which provide a wide variety of effects on which many other industry sectors rely.
Chemicals Unsaturated Monomers Unsaturated hydrocarbons, meaning Hydrocarbons with a reactive Double-Bond, typically employed in Polymerization Reactions and other Organic Reactions.
Extractive Industry Products Fossil Hydrocarbons Naturally occurring hydrocarbon feedstock
Extractive Industry Products Metal Ores Most metals are found as types of rock in the Earth's crust. These ores contain sufficient minerals with important elements including metals that can be economically extracted from the rock.
Extractive Industry Products Non-Metallic Minerals Non-metallic mineral raw materials are characterized by an enormous diversity of rocks and minerals.
Refined Products Refinery Gases Gases separated or produced in the refinery
Refined Products Refinery Liquids Liquids and fuels produced in the refinery
Refined Products Refinery Residues Residues from refining processes
Unallocated Others For unallocated products
Utilities Potential Energy Potential energy is the stored energy an object possesses due to its position, internal stresses, or configuration, representing the work that could be done when released.
Utilities Trash and Waste Trash and Waste either collected from Households, Buildings, and Companies or generated in conversion processes.
Utilities Water & Sewer Water and Sewer are distributed and collected through dedicate networks.