
International Petrochemical Technologies
- Technology
/ Ferrara - Via A. Lollio 16
- 44121
IPT is an Italian Company founded by experienced professionals in the fields of chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry and petrochemistry, operations management. Innovative technologies and chemical research are the keystone of the Company for the engineering of chemical and petrochemical industrial plants. The available technologies entails synthetics rubber, plastics, and related intermediates. Technology transfer is a comprehensive service that includes the market investigation, the theoretical and practical know-how related to the technology, the vendors auditing, the training of resident personnel at costumers site, the quality certification and application of final products.
Entity Settings
- Category
- Technology Provider Entity
- Status
- A
- V
- P
- Lg
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- UoM
- Tons
- Currency
System Info
- Modified by
 Braun, Uwe
- Modified
- 8/7/2022 10:18 AM
- Added by
 Braun, Uwe
- Added
- 8/6/2022 1:28 PM