
Pakistan Refinery Limited
- Refining / LPG
/ Karachi - Korangi Creek Rd
Pakistan Refinery Limited was incorporated in Pakistan as a public limited company in May 1960 and is quoted on the Karachi and Lahore Stock Exchanges. The Refinery is situated on the coastal belt of Karachi, Pakistan. PRL is a hydro skimming refinery designed to process various imported and local crude oil to meet the strategic and domestic fuel requirements of the country. The Refinery has a capacity of processing 50,000 barrels per day of crude oil into a variety of distilled petroleum products such as Furnace Oil, High Speed Diesel, Kerosene oil, Jet fuel and Motor gasoline etc.
Entity Settings
- Category
- Operations Entity
- Status
- A
- V
- P
- Lg
- Sh
System Info
- Modified by
 Braun (Sysadmin), Uwe
- Modified
- 3/6/2023 11:16 AM
- Added by
 Braun (Sysadmin), Uwe
- Added
- 8/5/2022 11:27 AM

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PRL | Karachi |
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