
- Refining / LPG
/ Trecate - Via Vigevano, 43
- Frazione San Martino
- 28069
SARPOM S.r.l. (Limited Liability Company Raffineria Padana Olii Minerali S.A.R.P.O.M. S.r.l.) is a company owned by Esso Italiana S.r.l. (75.19%) and Italian petroli S.p.A. (24.81%) which manages an efficient industrial logistics complex consisting of the refinery located in San Martino di Trecate (Novara), the Quiliano (Savona) depot connected to the multi-buoy mooring system in the Vado Ligure roadstead, and a network of pipelines. The refinery, located in the heart of the industrial triangle between the cities of Turin, Genoa and Milan, represents an important reality for the production of fuels and other petroleum products destined to supply northern Italy thanks to its connection with 11 depots through a vast network of pipelines - owned, managed or third-party.
Entity Settings
- Category
- Operations Entity
- Status
- A
- V
- P
- Lg
- Sh
System Info
- Modified by
 Braun (Sysadmin), Uwe
- Modified
- 4/9/2022 6:12 PM
- Added by
 Braun (Sysadmin), Uwe
- Added
- 4/9/2022 12:39 PM

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