
NORAM Engineering and Constructors Ltd
- PetroChemical
- Technology Licensor
- British Columbia
- Suite 1800 – 200 Granville Str
- V6C 1S4
The NORAM Group is a vertically integrated portfolio of businesses. Services provided by NORAM include scale-up through engineering, R&D, pilot plants, demonstration plants, modular plants, custom fabrication, and site assistance.
Entity Settings
- Category
- Technology Provider Entity
- Status
- A
- V
- P
- Lg
- Sh
- UoM
- Tons
- Currency
System Info
- Modified by
 Braun, Uwe
- Modified
- 3/27/2022 6:32 PM
- Added by
 Braun, Uwe
- Added
- 3/27/2022 3:09 PM