Industrie De Nora S.p.A.
- Technology
/ Milan - Via Leonardo Bistolfi, 35
- 20134
De Nora is a global company with two main components. First, De Nora is the largest provider of electrodes and coatings for electrochemical processes serving a wide range of diversified markets. Second, De Nora is among the leaders in water and wastewater treatment technologies and processes for municipal and industrial applications.
Entity Settings
- Category
- Technology Provider Entity
- Status
- A
- V
- P
- Lg
- Sh
System Info
- Modified by
 Kokel, Nicolas
- Modified
- 1/24/2023 5:44 AM
- Added by
 Braun (Sysadmin), Uwe
- Added
- 7/9/2021 1:51 PM