
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited
- Refining / LPG
- L23201MH1952GOI008858
/ Mumbai - Maharastra
- 17, Jamshedi Tata Road
- 400020
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) was formed on July 15, 1974. Its CIN No. is L23201MH1952GOI008858. HPCL is a Maharatna Central Public Sector Enterprise (CPSE) and a S&P Platts Top 250 Global Energy Company with a ranking of 55 with Annual Gross sales of Rs. 2,86,250 Crore during financial year 2019-20. HPCL enjoys over 18% market share in India and has a strong presence in Refining & Marketing of petroleum products in the country. During 2019-20, HPCL recorded Profit after Tax (PAT) of Rs. 2,637 Crore. HPCL owns and operates Refineries at Mumbai (west coast) & Visakhapatnam (East coast) with designed capacities of 7.5. MMTPA (Million Metric Tonnes Per Annum) & 8.3 MMTPA respectively. HPCL also owns the largest Lube Refinery in the country at Mumbai for producing Lube Oil Base Stock with a capacity of 428 TMTPA. HPCL holds 48.99% equity stake in JV company, HPCL-Mittal Energy Limited (HMEL) .
Entity Settings
- Category
- Main Holding Company or Operations
- Status
- A
- V
- P
- Lg
- Sh
- UoM
- Tons
- Currency
System Info
- Modified by
 Kokel, Nicolas
- Modified
- 12/16/2024 3:39 PM
- Added by
 Marks, Steve
- Added
- 4/7/2021 10:10 AM

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Mumbai Refinery | Mumbai |
Visakh Refinery | Visakh |
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