
Ineos Koh Inc.
- Chemicals
- Ohio
- 3509 Middle Road
- 44004
INEOS KOH manufactures and markets potassium-based chemicals, most notably potassium hydroxide, as well as chlorine. It serves a wide variety of end-use markets including liquid fertilizers, runway de-icers, food ingredients, pharmaceuticals, and agricultural applications. The business employs around 110 people at its site in Ashtabula, Ohio, close to INEOS Pigments operations. The recently commissioned membrane cell technology chlor-alkali unit utilizes INEOS’ BICHLOR™ technology and puts INEOS KOH in a leading position in chlor-alkali production technology.
Entity Settings
- Category
- Main Holding Company or Operations
- Status
- A
- V
- P
- Lg
- Sh
System Info
- Added by
 Braun, Uwe
- Added
- 11/3/2024 7:01 PM

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