- Chemicals
/ Münster - Krögerweg 10
- 48155
The company produces high-quality specialty fertilizers and biostimulants in its four own fertilizer plants in Krefeld (Germany), La Vall d'Uixó (Spain), Deinze (Belgium) and Patras (Greece) thus offering professional users safe solutions for the areas of fruits, vegetables, field crops, turf and public green as well as nursery and ornamentals. The innovative product range includes specialty mineral and stabilized fertilizers, slow and controlled release fertilizers, water soluble and liquid fertilizers as well as biostimulants, trace elements and soil conditioners.
Entity Settings
- Category
- Main Holding Company or Operations
- Status
- A
- V
- P
- Lg
- Sh
System Info
- Added by
 Braun, Uwe
- Added
- 11/26/2023 1:29 PM