Methanol Holdings (Trinidad) Limited
- PetroChemical
/ Couva - Goodridge Bay Road
Methanol Holdings (Trinidad) Limited (MHTL) is part of the Proman family of companies and owns 5 methanol plants and an AUM (ammonia, urea ammonium nitrate, melamine) complex comprised of 7 individual plants. The plants are operated by Proman Operations teams. As a leading player in the energy industry, Proman and MHTL continue to pursue avenues for growing production and exploring new uses and markets for its products. Across its 5 methanol plants, MHTL has a total rated annual capacity of over 4 million metric tons. In 2005 M5000 was added to the portfolio and is considered to be one of the largest stand-alone methanol plants in the world. Proman and MHTL focus on maintaining global competitiveness while delivering the highest standards for efficiency, reliability, safety and environmental management.
Entity Settings
- Category
- Operations Entity
- Status
- A
- V
- P
- Lg
- Sh
- UoM
- Tons
System Info
- Modified by
-  Kokel, Nicolas
- Modified
- 5/20/2023 10:31 AM
- Added by
-  Kokel, Nicolas
- Added
- 5/20/2023 10:29 AM