Indian Oil
- Refining / LPG
/ Mumbai -
IndianOil is currently metamorphosing from a pure sectoral company with dominance in downstream in India to a vertically integrated, transnational energy behemoth. The Corporation is already on the way to becoming a major player in petrochemicals by integrating its core refining business with petrochemical activities, besides making large investments in E&P and import/marketing ventures for oil & gas in India and abroad.
Corporation Settings
- Status
- A
- V
- P
- Lg
- Unit of Measure
- Tons
- Currency
- Client
- ppPLUS
System Info
- Modified by
-  Kokel, Nicolas
- Modified
- 12/11/2022 11:50 AM
- Added
- 4/6/2021 6:24 PM
  Corporation Communicator  (including Holding Entity Messages)
Entity | Title | Date |
The corporation's holding company does not have subsidiaries.
Link entities by creating shareholding (equity) in the Entity module.