🇮🇹 The seventh postponement arrives for the Italian Plastic tax
The seventh extension of the Italian Plastic Tax until July 2026 has been announced.
The Plastic Tax is a tax with a fixed value of 0.45 € that producers, importers and consumers should pay for each kilo of plastic products sold or purchased.
The 2020 budget law of the Giallorossi Conte government had introduced the Plastic Tax, i.e. the tax on the consumption of single-use plastic products, The tax, designed to target the use of polluting single-use plastics, immediately proved to be very complicated to apply, and had sparked a revolt among companies in the affected sector.
The 2020 relaunch decree, in the midst of the Covid period, had postponed the tax to 1 January 2021. Then the 2021 budget law had postponed the plastic tax to 1 July 2021. The Sostegni bis decree of May 2021 had brought the plastic tax back to 1 January 2022. Then there were the two budget laws for 2022 and 2023 which postponed the tax by one year, that is, for the last, until 1 January 2024. With the 2024 budget, after many discussions on the possible abolition of the tax, the last postponement arrived until July 2024, the one currently in force.
The newest change is contained in the government's stamped amendment to the Superbonus Law Decree, under discussion in the Senate. Here the extension appears for the plastic tax: it is to come into force from 1 July 2024 to 1 July 2026.
Source: Marini di Andrea, 11th May 2024, Il Sole 24 ORE,
#plastictax #plasticwaste #plasticrecycling